Baby found in dumpster now part of our home. Try to find the perfect pair. Input please.


New Born Pup
May 5, 2022
Reaction score
North Falmouth, MA
Hi everyone,
My daughter’s friend lives in her car sadly and she frequents dumpsters to see what she can find. This is by choice. That being said she was behind a petsmart last week and saw a pile of trash bags and thrown in was the small petsmart animal box. She was looking and opened it to find a very small Guinea pig. She immediately brought him into the warm car and called us.
We have 8 munchkins. Bonded pair of 3 year old boars one with back pain. Bonded pair of boars one older one blind. Bonded pair of girls one with tumors one bladder stoned. We also have two boars that now live with a divider after a major injury leading to removal of a testicle. They still interact just through the grid.
So now we have this little man he is now almost 8 weeks old. I initially stabilized him warmed his body (it was 20 degrees out and she found him after 11pm he was cold) critical care and love and warm fleece. We got him to the vet the next day he looked great but needed antibiotics for small reality which they always need at the young age it seems. He is almost done with his meds and he is so very young. The two big boys popcorn and Houdini have a roughly 3 by 8 enclosure. This would be the ideal spot for little hurlee to go into. The gentlemen peanut and Khalua are in about a 3 by 5.5 foot enclosure. The ladies Evelyn and Quinn also have the same size and he will not be joining them as I don’t want to put him through a surgery. And the other munchkins are my youngest a little under 3 dunkin and Hershey and they are separated so they’re in enclosures about 3 by 4 at the moment. All of the enclosures have a second level with ramps and tunnels and they are all bedded with fleece only. This new little baby is still just searching for affection he gets very excited popcorning around and darting like a race car when he hears the morning songs from all the piggies. I come out in the morning singing and they sing with me hole I prepare morning veggies.
So aside from PETSMART THROWING AWAY A BABY GUINEA PIG! He now has a loving home and obviously I will make his own enclosure if need be but that won’t make him happy.
What would be the best scenario out of my very unique family of piggies? I would say Khalua and peanut would be the most kind and nurturing I just wouldn’t want the rambunctiousness of hurlee to upset peanut who cannot see.
Any thoughts appreciated!
Thank you fellow animal lovers ♥️
That’s so sad. Well done for taking him in.

Don’t try to bond him with any of your boar pairs - it’s highly unlikely to work (boar trios are highly unstable) and may ruin existing bonds.
You can attempt to bond him with one of your single boars though.
It comes down to character compatibility and mutual liking so until you try you won’t actually know how it’ll go.
Good on you for taking this little mite in. How awful for a Pet company to treat animals so badly. I hope you can b8nd him with one if your singles, good luck 🤞

We have lots of info on bonding in the Guinea pig guides section
Omg how cruel can a pet company be !
Thank goodness he was found and you have taken him
You are inspirational ❤️
I wish good things for him and hope you can bond him with one of your single boars 🥰
I'm so glad he was found in time, poor little man. As above bonding him with one of your single boys would be best. Did you report the shop in question? It makes you if they've done it before. At least he's landed on his paws with you. We would love to see pigtures of your piggies.❤️
I would love some advice as I have never bonded a little one with an adult. I believe I had a successful bond with the baby and Dunkin, they went through the whole ordeal and there was no aggression. He eventually just did everything dunkin did like a shadow. They fell asleep together ate together they were fully together almost four days and all of a sudden baby hurlee went flying through the air (pretty sure he had wings) and was biting at dunkin. Mouth full of hair. Then Dunkin’s demeanor changed with hurlee and visa versa. They just couldn’t be within eyesight without trying to go at each other. Eventually dunkin just couldn’t get a break and he didn’t want to engage. He was because it seemed he had to. I removed him from their together space. He is back in his original space and his happy self.
What does anyone think happened? I don’t think he is trying to even be mean he is aggressive then he just lays down yawns and stretches out for a few moments then gets back up all over the place and then does the same yawn and Power Nap. All of my adult pigs are playful but they do not come close to his energy level.
Anyways any thoughts on this sweet little Abyssinian?

Although the singles tolerated the intros they just weren’t meshing. I actually was so excited when the little one bonded successfully with my two big bonded boars (age 3y). It is now the three of them and they do the usual short vibrations but the all sleep at the same time and eat together and ups and downs on all their ramps and huts and such. I am so happy that it all worked out. My daughter who left for college left an empty room. I set that up for bonding and they stayed in there about 24 hours obviously with interactions and such from us but they had plenty of room and eventually the chasing and chittering dwindled to naps and follow the leader. Yay! 🙏 they’re now in the big boys enclosure I scrubbed and brought in all new fleece and belongings for them. There was no issues when they went back in. And they’re doing great. It actually as given the older boys more energy.