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Awfull feet


New Born Pup
Nov 19, 2023
Reaction score

I wonder if someone have experience with feet like this. It is building up very much tick skinn all over the foot. And is very difficult to treat. I have only seen it in Lunkarya pigs.



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It does look quite fungally, it also looks quite similar to hyperkeratosis, an excessive production of keratin.

Unfortunately only a vet would be able to make a diagnosis 100%, but I'd see of they could take a sample to try to figure out what is going on, dry feet like that really runs the risk of developing cracks and progressing into bumblefoot very quickly.
The guinea have been seen by i vet. They have never seen this before and I wanted to hear if anyone else had this problem. We are trying to find the best treatment for her.

I just got her, so pleaase dont juged me for being a bad owner. 😊 I promis i give her all the help she needs. She is going to live with my other guineapigs, so she is not alone.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope you can find a solution to your piggy’s problem. 🤞🏻
Wow - what have you used to bring about that improvement? They look much better
The skin on the feet was very tick, so I gently removed so much as possible of the bad skinn. Underneath it looked suprisingly fine. Afterwards I used a honey cream from the farmasy, to times a day.