Awful Sound

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I've only had piggies for about a week now.My older boy Poncho is very sweet and calm.But the little one Pepe is anything but.I make it a point to handle them every day.Poncho has no problem with it.But Pepe he seems fine for the first few minutes.He nuzzles and purrs a little,He tries to burrow in my very long hair,Then he lets out this awful sound.It's like a really high pitched Squeal.Am I doing something wrong?I dont know exactly how old he is,but he's a tad smaller than Poncho,and I know Poncho is about 9 months old.Is it his age maybe?
Is it like the"wheeeeeek" they do when its food time, or they hear the fridge door opening!?
It could be a couple of things - if he is doing it after he has been held for a couple of minutes then it may just be his way of saying that I had enough of a cuddle now?

Does he only do it in this scenario? Does he ever do it when in his cage?
I have heard him do it in the cage a couple of times,but its been late a night when I'm in bed,& its a short pitch.He doesn't keep it up.But he does keep it up when I' holding him,until I put him back in the cage.Unless Poncho's not in the cage,then he keeps it up.I'm thinking Its his age,but I really dont know.
I've only had my new girls a couple of weeks, but if i get one out the cage without the other they will both do this. I think they are scared because they dont know where the other has gone. Grissom started once when Nutmeg was with me. I let her hide in my pocket and she was fine. I think she smelt the cat near.
I would go with some sort of fear. It could be he's not used to you yet.
Have you tried holding them both on your lap at the same time (if you can)? If it is fear because he is on his own, he may feel happier getting used to you if he has his cage mate with him.

I always used to hold my girls together - though Tilly is huge now so they have to go one at a time. They are now so used to me it doesn't bother them.
I tried holding them both once,But Pepe kinda ruined it.He kept trying to crawl under Poncho.This made Poncho kinda Angry,And I got scratched pretty good in the crossfire. ?
PriscillaPig said:
I tried holding them both once,But Pepe kinda ruined it.He kept trying to crawl under Poncho.This made Poncho kinda Angry,And I got scratched pretty good in the crossfire. ?

My boys used to do that. I'd have to put one on one side, and one on the other side. Then it was easier to stop them doing it.
To me (and I am guessing because it is hard to tell without seeing it) it sounds like he is nervous and burying in order to hide. Piggys are very timid by nature and it takes a bit of time and patience before they trust you.

Will Pepe feed from your hand whilst he is still in the cage? If he associates you with food coming in then he will start to feel more comfortable and if you can get him eating whilst on your lap he will start to really enjoy the experience.

I think as long as you are a sure he is not in pain at all - his squeals would probably be more frequent if he was - I would just slowly get him used to you by hand feeding him whilst still in his cage and holding him for a short periods of time often. I am sure he will come around in the end.

One of my girls used to squeal a lot when I picked her up when I first got her - it was a awful noise and the first few times I was convinced I must be hurting her she was just very scared. Within a couple of weeks I had her eating out of my hands and now she comes over for strokes when I call her and is very easy to catch and enjoys a cuddle.
He will nibble food while he's in my lap.I haven't tried to feed him by hand while he's in the cage,but I will start.Poncho wont eat while he's in my lap,but he's still much calmer than Pepe.
Have you had a good look at his skin? Just make sure he hasn't got any sore bits or bites from your other guinea which you're stroking without realising.
Ooh yes a spot of fungal can make then squeak when you stroke them.
I once had a piggy that used to do that when she needed the loo! I'd put her back into the hutch, and she'd go right away.
ooh I dont think thats it,They have both wizzed on me no problem. ;D
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