Away-From-Cage Syndrome..

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Is what I call it.

My Patchy is all fidegty and kind of stressed when he is away from him cage.. But if he see's it he goes mental!

I'm not sure what this is about..

This is when i'm holding him ftw, Isit seriouse or is it just because he feels safer when nearer hhis cage?
Garry is a bit like that. He isn't bad to get hold of, but can get quite fidgety. Are you holding Patchy when you are standing with him? Perhaps it's better if you have him on your lap. Garry likes to snuggle into the crook of my arm as he feels more secure. He also sometimes likes a towel to snuggle into. He's settled on my lap, but climbs up to my shoulder if I hold him while standing for any amount of time. He'll fidget when he wants to go back into his cage and when he sees it, he can't get back in quickly enough! 98) :smitten:
I hold him when i'm sitting down... Sometimes!

Well Today he is fine :D He didnt wriggle or anything.. Progress.. This is what I done.. I had an idea

I put the heating on, Got a towel and warmed it up abit *Not too hot though!* put it on my lap and held my dear Patchy.. He almost fell asleep :) Progress :]
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