Away for two wheeks

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
Off to Cornwall Saturday evening to my parents'. I will try to get on as much as poss but the computer there is very slow and not on broadband, so I can't stay on too long. :(

On Tuesday 8th it is Flora Day in Helston - our "feast day" and May celebrations. On the 9th is the open day for my nursing course. :)
have a wonderful time, i am going to padstow tis year for my hols where do your parents live?

have agreat time
Thanks guys :)

Parents in Mullion - right down the end. It's where I grew up, but have been in Bath for nearly 10 years.
Have a great time!

Bath is just up the road from me I'm in Bristol!
miss u!

I love cornwall, going there 4 horse riding as i live in plymouth, i would rather live in cornwall though

Good luck


Thanks all. I will get on here thouh. Promise. :)
I will tell you about the open day. :)
Have a wonderful time love :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

But i'm gonna miss you real bad :'( :'( :'(

Duke and i can't go a day without speaking to you or to the boys :) :)

so Duke says this:

cvx ..xcv/.lZX;cvxxcv translated it means: i love you Auntie Lucinda :smitten:
Awww, Duke :smitten:

Thanks Niki :smitten:

Kelly, in the end ( 10 to 5) she said I could do it and she would get a temp in ::)
What kind of course/open day is it you are going on?
dazie♥ said:
What kind of course/open day is it you are going on?

It's the open day for my nursing course. It's tomorrow. I've got all the paperwork ready. It will probably be very very boring, as these things usually are and bear no resemblence to the course ;D
Of course :smitten:

The hospital is right next door to Pets At Home so I expect we will be calling in there after. Might go shopping in Truro too or start to look for flats to rent. I am desperate to get on and move now.
I hope the flat hunting goes well O0
Don't forget to make sure it's got enough room for the piggies ;)

Must look up where the hospital is on google earth :)
oo thats nice there, my cousin had to go there cos she broke her wrist when we were at my grans caravan!
Have a lovely time. I'm envious - we love Cornwall but don't get there much because of the distance from us.
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