Attempted Green Bean Theft

Louise's Zoo

Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2017
Reaction score
Eileen was happily munching on the last green bean and greedy Edna swoops in to try and snatch it. Naughty girl.




Haha just realised I got her name wrong. That's Eva, not Eileen. Silly me :soz:
Great pictures, you were very clever to catch that.

I've been sat on the sofa most of the day (my mum is visiting), right next to the cage and really enjoyed watching them and what they get up to. I've bombarded the forum today.. :oops:

Piggy thieves! :love: Gotta love them, Chickpea will only eat food out of Widgets mouth lol

I've noticed this with Edna. She always steals food from Eva's mouth. They often have 'Lady and the Tramp' moments with sprigs of coriander!
I've been sat on the sofa most of the day (my mum is visiting), right next to the cage and really enjoyed watching them and what they get up to. I've bombarded the forum today.. :oops:

I've noticed this with Edna. She always steals food from Eva's mouth. They often have 'Lady and the Tramp' moments with sprigs of coriander!

:)) I love watching piggy antics... they are so funny. They have great day jobs :)

Ah yes, the coriander stealing always ends up in bickering with ours
Lol my two would never fight over a green bean but have epic tug of wars over seed heads at times. Very cute pics.
Aww poor Eva! Had her food nicked and her name forgotten! :)) (I'm just kidding, I always say the wrong name these days XD)

Everyone knows the food someone else has tastes better! My girls always steal food, if I gave them each a piece of water melon they would stash theirs away and wander around for the steal and each end up with someone else's! Why can't they be happy with what they have in life?!


I keep telling them that I'll call a policeman!
All 5 of mine were attempting to eat a HUGE weed that I found in my garden yesterday. They were all attempting to eat it at the same time and run off with it in different directions at the same time it was really quite amusing.
I have no idea why this single green bean was so popular. They aren't keen on beans. They always get left till last and are still in the cage an hour later. I think Edna just wants to try everything Eva has.

I don't know if her pregnancy is making her bolder but today it was Eva that kept stealing things from Edna's mouth. She's never done that before and got told off for it but she still managed to run off with a stolen bit of celery :lol!: