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Aspiration scare


New Born Pup
Jun 4, 2020
Reaction score
My Lionel is on liquid methimazole for his hyperthyroidism. He gets .25 cc twice per day. I have lost a guinea pig to aspiration pneumonia before, so I am extremely careful when administering anything to him. I do the inside of the cheek probably a little closer to his lips than logical, because I’d rather he lose a few drops than choke on them and get sick. Today, the syringe got stuck, and shot out very fast. Most of it completely missed his mouth when my hand slipped and got on me, but he squeaked, made two soft sounds like he was hoarsely breathing, and then was fine, trotting around and squeaking, but of course I’m still worried due to past experience. He’s eating currently. Should I be concerned at all?
I’m sure Lionel will be fine. I’d just keep an eye on him for a day or two. These things happen. That’s quite a small amount of liquid and some of it got you so I’m sure Lionel didn’t get much. He was probably just shocked and surprised.