asking for grooming advice


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 15, 2021
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asking for grooming advice for a Peruvian guinea pig!
i’m purchasing another guinea pig very soon & i’m in need for some grooming advice. i’ve got a couple of questions & i’d appreciate any tips, techniques, recommendations, or suggestions on maintaining his fur.

1.) how often should i brush their hair?
2.) (the following question is for experienced Peruvian guinea pig owners) what are some recommended tools to use for grooming? should i use a comb, a soft bristled brush, slicker brush, etc.?
3.) are there any recommended techniques i should be using? (ways to brush them, what direction should i be brushing the hair in?)
4.) this is a dumb question: due to their hair being so long, should i trim his nails regularly to avoid his hair getting tangled around them?
5.) does anybody have any tips on keeping their coat shiny, soft & vibrant?
6.) during the hot seasons, should i shave him to help keep him cool? can he overheat by having long hair in the sun?
7.) i know that guinea pigs do a pretty good job at maintaining their own cleanliness, but should i bathe him every once in a while to ensure his hair is clean?
8.) is it recommended that i cut his hair as it grows to prevent it from overgrowth?
9.) what are some good, healthy products i can use on his skin & hair that won’t irritate his skin or dry out his fur? (i do not plan on giving him a bath often. only when necessary)

thank you in advance for any help!
All the information you need is in the guide linked above.
From a personal perspective, when I’ve had Peruvians and Silkies I’ve used a small slicker brush. Daily coat care and grooming is absolutely essential. And I kept their rear ends trimmed short to help them stay clean. They are a lot of work if you’ve not had long haired piggies before.
I've recently had my first long-haired piggy who came from a background where she was well looked after and not neglected. She was handed into a rescue with her friend because the owner was moving house and couldn't keep all her pigs so she just kept her elderly ones. The most surprising thing for me was that she hates being brushed or combed and got really upset about it. I would have thought they either enjoyed it or at least had learned to tolerate it but not this girl. She is much happier when it's all scissored or clippered off - although she doesn't much like that process either it's not as bad for her as the grooming! Her hair grows incredibly fast - I have to trim the bum end every month. I don't do her face because of the whiskers. She's my hairy beauty 💕
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