New Born Pup
Hi there, my vet gave me Arthrocam instead of Metacam today (because they had run out of Metacam). He made me sign a form saying I understand that Arthrocam is unlicensed in the UK. This doesn't sit well with me but I did it anyway so that my piggy would have pain relief. I'm concerned about the dosage the vet has given me. He said to give my piggy 0.4ml twice daily. When given Metacam I usually administer 0.1ml once a day. Why on earth is the dose so big? I'm too scared to give this dose. I actually re-checked the dosage with the vet before leaving his office and he assured me that the dosage he's given is correct, but I still don't feel good about it. The Arthrocam is 1.5mg/ml for dogs. Metacam is 0.5mg/ml for cats and piggies.
Does anyone else have experience with Arthrocam and this high sounding dose please? I just can't get my head around it. Please help.
Thank you in advance.
Does anyone else have experience with Arthrocam and this high sounding dose please? I just can't get my head around it. Please help.
Thank you in advance.