Arthritic Toe ... and Frozen Peas!

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Really stupid question here, but I've got a really painful foot today, think it's the arthritus in my toe joint, or I might have pulled something. I know people put bags of frozen peas on things that hurt and I'm wondering about trying this.

Right, here's the stupid bit - can you put the peas back in the freezer afterwards to use? ;D And if so, how long can they be out for?

Can't believe I posted this but hey, everyone here is helpful and I can't see you sniggering!
frozen peas on an arthritic joint will do more harm then good it needs heat thats why they sell wax baths to help arthritic fingers, I suffer badly with osteo arthritis and my 2 large toe joints are fused with the damage, I have to see the biomechanics next week about shoe inserts ( again) to help my big toes as they hurt so bad in the monring when i try to walk on them they dont bend until a little while later and only a little I've also got it bad in my wrist and hands my fingers are very badly damaged for some one my age my x rays were amazing to my DR its alos in my back and elbow, ugh
as already said frozen peas are fine but not once thawed, but try hot water bottle instead
was just gonna post a reply that heat is better for arthritis as a few of my family has it - pressed send and Michelle posted LOL
great minds think alike hun, I've been suffering today with my damn elbow cant even bend it to answer phone cant put it to my ear , try not being able to bend your elbow like you are answering the phone , lol its more annoyng then anything ?
Aww, you poor love, my grandma had and uncle has rheumatoid (sp) arthritis and their fingers lock (ed) badly :(

edit to add - my mum has it in her knees and prefers to use abit of deep heat - works good!
had letter from Southampton neuro today have got to have more tests for my weak arm and possibly be admitted for a few days for tests or be an outpatient, cannot imagine what other tests they want to do but am not being admitted, too many bugs around, would rather travel from Island a few times instead , not too pleased and very glad I said no to gynacologist for fibroids I'll end up visiting ologists most days of the week, what with rhumatologist neurologist etc etc
Blooming hell love - can't they somehow get the tests done in one day? That's what they try to do with me when my lot come around! Got my neurologist appointment in March - at a different hospital - AGAIN >:(

I see too many ologists too! :D
Thanks everyone. I did try the peas (I'd come off the forum before the posts about using heat instead). I did wonder about that but my foot felt swollen and hot so thought I'd go for the frozen option. It didn't really help! But the peas were fine! (can't believe I posted that!).

Will try hot water bottle next time. No way am I putting Deep Heat on. You can smell it on someone about a mile away.

Sorry to hear about your problems Michellemuffin.
Kelly I dont have a clue what other tests they need to do as i have had 3 MRis brain spine and arm about 20 blood tests electrograme tests pins being stuck in my muscles at southampton as well as a physical examination what next i wonder ?
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