Are we Part of their Herd?......And Strange Response to Noise I made....


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
South West Somerset, UK.
Just wondering if our beloved Guinea Pigs see us humans as 'part of their herd'?

Also (and sort of related), earlier, I made a kind of kissing noise with my lips, a few times to Bramble, while he was eating his hay, and while I was doing this, he suddenly started moving his head quickly from side to side while staring straight at me, and making little squeaking sounds, like he was very worried/agitated! Then he ran and jumped onto his shelf, as if he was scared of the strange new noises I was making and wanted to get away! 😧 The two other pigs, who we haven't had that long 6 months (whereas we've had Bramble since he was a baby, for around a year and a half) didn't seem that bothered by Brambles' behaviour, although Rusty did come to see what was wrong with Bramble, after a few seconds of him 'freaking out'!

I left the room just after that episode to let my husband know what had happened, and when I came back in, Bramble was back in his hay as if nothing had happened!🙄

Has anybody else had this experience before?
Piggies are funny little creatures sounds like he got a little spooked, but not that spooked that their food obsession didn’t resume! They are so lovely