Are They Playing With Me?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 4, 2016
Reaction score
I was given two young sows ,Stars and brownie, sisters about 2 months old, a week ago. They've got a nice 5 foot hutch, which was handed over at the same time with a food bowl and a blue water bottle, and live in the garage.

For the past few days they would not drink any water, I've been giving them cucumber and lettuce to cover the lack of drinking water. I've tried everything from lowering the water bottle, moving it around the hutch, completely fresh water every day, and even given them a bowl of water (which was pooed in). Nothing not a drop was touched. Yesterday the Run for outside was delivered and I had purchased a clear small water bottle for this. Just for the sake of it I added the new water bottle to the hutch and they drank out of it! Obviously blue is a boys colour and not for girls!

After reading around we got them wooden houses, cardboard tube, hay house, and wooden chew balls. They spent 5 minutes exploring the new items and then ran to a shoebox with hay in it, both spend most of their time in it, or running around it. I'm sure they would have simply preferred a couple of shoeboxes, the next favourite item is the cardboard tube, I've not seen them in a wooden house yet.

We have had them out for floor time, they both seem very attached to my daughter and push each other out of the way to be sat closest to her. Everything was going well and I though I would give stars a cuddle on my lap, which she promptly wees on me as soon as I had her on my knee. As I'm getting my self cleaned up my daughter has them both, no issues, as soon as I pick Brownie up she then wees all over me.
I was given two young sows ,Stars and brownie, sisters about 2 months old, a week ago. They've got a nice 5 foot hutch, which was handed over at the same time with a food bowl and a blue water bottle, and live in the garage.

For the past few days they would not drink any water, I've been giving them cucumber and lettuce to cover the lack of drinking water. I've tried everything from lowering the water bottle, moving it around the hutch, completely fresh water every day, and even given them a bowl of water (which was pooed in). Nothing not a drop was touched. Yesterday the Run for outside was delivered and I had purchased a clear small water bottle for this. Just for the sake of it I added the new water bottle to the hutch and they drank out of it! Obviously blue is a boys colour and not for girls!

After reading around we got them wooden houses, cardboard tube, hay house, and wooden chew balls. They spent 5 minutes exploring the new items and then ran to a shoebox with hay in it, both spend most of their time in it, or running around it. I'm sure they would have simply preferred a couple of shoeboxes, the next favourite item is the cardboard tube, I've not seen them in a wooden house yet.

We have had them out for floor time, they both seem very attached to my daughter and push each other out of the way to be sat closest to her. Everything was going well and I though I would give stars a cuddle on my lap, which she promptly wees on me as soon as I had her on my knee. As I'm getting my self cleaned up my daughter has them both, no issues, as soon as I pick Brownie up she then wees all over me.

Sounds like your usual start with a lively pair of piggies! :)

You may find lots of answers and useful tips via this link here! " Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners
Welcome to the forum :)

Sounds like things are going great :) Piggies drink in varying amounts some days more than others and in hot weather will drink a lot more or if the heating is on. They also get lots of moisture through wet veg.

You have lots of great stuff for them, well done on getting hidey houses these are important so each piggy has some place to go away from the other if they feel they need it and somewhere to sit and chill. They are prey animals so like to be able to feel secure. Sounds like you are doing everything right :)

Ah... the wet feeling that spreads :)) know that feeling well, piggies are tubes on legs - poo and wee machine. Sometimes worth putting a towel down at lap time can save the legs from getting too wet.

What are your piggies names? Be great to see some photos of them. Hope you enjoy the forum and any questions please just ask

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Lucky for me that Chock hasn't weed on me at all since i've had him and he's 3 years 2 months.
If he's on my lap and he wants to go back home he gets riggly and trys to get off my lap
He only does this when he needs so back to his cage he goes till he's finnished then he usually starts wheeking at me to be picked up again...
I know I'm just being put in my place now.

Trying to get them in from their run last night was just a big game. They would walk just in front of my hand squeaking, almost sound like a laugh. Once they had worked out what my reach was they went and sat in the far corner that I couldn't reach just looking at me and eating grass. As soon as I had stood up and adjusted my position so I could reach them they would run between my legs meaning I'd have to move again. This game went on for 20 minutes, Brownie even started to popcorn whilst doing it! They then discovered that once I had caught one of them I would put them in a cardboard box so I could catch the other. They would wait until the other guinea pig was caught and then jump out of the box, putting me back to square one. The game only stopped when I put Brownie in the hutch instead of the cardboard box, Stars was happy to be picked up then.
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