Are they pals or not?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Just a quick one - my pigs Tiger and Jeremy are in separate cages next to each other but they play out together. When I let them out Tiger will grumble and wag his butt,t hen will happily follow Jeremy around or flop down for a est. But Jeremy has started pulling Tiger's hair - Tiger is a Sheltie and Jeremy has pulled a tuft from under Tiger's chin. They don't bite each other, and they popcorn loads in front of each other, but I cannot tell if they are bonding well or not... is this hair-pulling a bad sign?
i haven't heard of this before, but I think if there is no teeth chattering going on, and no blood being shed, I think they must be pals.
He's my Sheltie! I think there's some pics of him in the photo album, he is lovely though! Jeremy is a big chubby ginger piggy! I love them both to bits!
Well, they have been out for a play this evening, they are happy to flop down on their towel by each other but Jeremy is still pulling Tiger's hair! I don't understand it.. ?
When Toony and Cosmo arrived Rocky was terrified of them (although Rocky is a grown up and the others were six wheeks old) because they were pulling his sheltie coat. ::)
Hair pulling can be a sign of dominance and so long as the other doesn't react to it it will stop in time. With male pigs and sometimes females you'll find they develop a pecking order. As long as they accept it and don't challenge they're fine. Just keep an eye out for the challenge.

Oh and btw, hair makes a soft bed. It could be that.
they sound fine. if they fight then eventually one will back down or be hurt enough that he has to and then they'll know who's boss and you won't have a problem with it anymore

if they fight until one is injured what the heck are you saying leave them to fight until the death , :tickedoff: if you do this with your pigs you are very cruel, and you wont have problems with it anymore..... what about vet bills for injurys or dont you bother , :tickedoff: your attitude is totally out of order and I'm being nice here,

and as for pulling hair its called Barbering my girls especially do it to long haired ones on and off quite a bit sometimes making the long coats shorter I have never found it to be a problem,
DrizzlesPiggies said:
they sound fine. if they fight then eventually one will back down or be hurt enough that he has to and then they'll know who's boss and you won't have a problem with it anymore

Are you fucking insane! My sisters boars used to fight and they've both almost lost eyes. They never see each other anymore. You're cruel. I take back my nice words you're evil! NEVER let piggies fight, they will do serious harm!
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