Are They Okay Together?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
I have two pigs, approximately three months old. I bought them together so they've lived together their entire lives.
They do eat together and run to each other if they're scared etc.
Lately (the past few days) I've seen a lot of rumblestrutting and fake biting though. How do you tell if they are friends who are just having a squabble or are actually bad together?
Boars reach teenagehood with the start of the descend of their testicles and spikes of testosterone. You can spot serious issues by the completely different level of tension. Thankfully, more boar pairs than not make it through together to a hormonally more settled adulthood.

You may find this thread here with further links on behaviours and tips etc. helpful in the coming months:
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
My girls have always been fine together, then suddenly one day they were doing major dominance displays, rumbling, rumble strutting, teeth chattering, chasing, even a couple of lunges. I figured the one was in season. Next day they were totally back to normal. Day after quite a bit more rumbling and chasing and teeth chattering, I figured the other one was in season. They've been totally back to normal since then.
So if it only lasts a day or two it's hormones (one is in season), if it continues on an intense level for longer than that I'd start worrying a bit more.
In that case, one of them is in season. Things should calm down within a day or so! Sows come into season about every two weeks. Some sows have them stronger than others. Rumblestrutting and nipping are both mild and carefully judged dominance behaviours.
Sow Behaviour
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Aha. It does seem to be the one bothering the other, so that explains it.

My girls have always been fine together, then suddenly one day they were doing major dominance displays, rumbling, rumble strutting, teeth chattering, chasing, even a couple of lunges. I figured the one was in season. Next day they were totally back to normal. Day after quite a bit more rumbling and chasing and teeth chattering, I figured the other one was in season. They've been totally back to normal since then.
So if it only lasts a day or two it's hormones (one is in season), if it continues on an intense level for longer than that I'd start worrying a bit more.
Thank you
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