Are they fighting or playing?

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New Born Pup
Mar 3, 2012
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My two guinea pigs (both boars) seem to almost always prefer spending time together, in the same little house or corner, but they rumble at each other a LOT and often chase each other around the cage like crazy and they both spasm a lot (looks like they're popcorning.) There is some mounting going on here and there, not too aggressive or too often though.

There's never any serious incident, no nipping, no shrieking, just chasing like mad, rumbling non-stop sometimes, and popcorning all over the place.

Are they just playing/happy, or is this some kind of intro to trouble?

Thanks! :)
totally normal behaviour from what you say, when guineas fight and i mean really fight they roll around like a football and god help anyone silly enough to try and seperate them by hand.
Aww sounds like a bit of playing and rough and tumble, typical boys. Spike and Jem used to have a rumble and a mount, then they would run round the pen like something demented playing chase. One would nudge the other then he would become the chasee, bit like tag. It was so cute! x)
My two new piggies have started chasing each other and the smaller one mounts the larger and was seen with some white fur in his mouth at one point! We worried about the larger guy at first (we THINK he's a guy; bottom still to be photographed and posted on here for advice), but he's confident enough to snaffle the smaller one's celery sticks when he's finished his own. What do you think? I'd hate to have to separate them...
My boys are the same, a fair bit of rumbling goes on with the odd nose nudge and mounting but they really are best buddies, where one goes so does the other...

Boys eh?! ;)
Rough play is part of development, sometimes my boys will snatch a bit of fur but i often think it's accidental. Interesting about the girls, i didn't know they were as rough :a19:
Some young girls love to roughhouse every now and then, and there is no greater joy than to run smack into another piggy at the end of a mad dash!
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