Are they fighting or playing?

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Chasing each other around. They are 7 weeks old, both boys so I have reservations from the beginning and it only makes me more worried. They squeak at each other and chase each other around the cage. ?

What noise to Guinea pigs make when they are scared? I read on another website that the "purring" noise was a happy sound, however mine have just been cleaned out for the first time (they hate me now) but kept making this noise when they were obviously stressed.
it sounds like they are playing my girls did this before i spilt them you will know when they are fighting if one of starts bleeding then spilt them

good luck :smitten: :smitten:

this sound you describe means (sounds like a chugging motor), that they argueing about who is the boss. My big one does it all the time to show, that he is the boss.
basically boys will argue until one becomes more dominant if it is sorted by a few mad days then fine but if as they get older one trys to re establish his dominance this is when probs happen, I ahev had 3 boys in together still havw 2 run with a trio of boys all get along brillaintly , as yours are still young hopefully one will be dominant and they will get long like that its when the quiter one deciedes he want to be boss probs start, mostly they accept one as boss and stay like that and have a happy lfie together, rumbling and swaying butts is a warning purring and soft squeaks are friendlier, its when they burr really loud and adopt an attack pose that you need to sort it out ( never put your hands between fighting pigs throw a towel over them) my kids have known this rule from a very early age, your pigs sound frightened and are relaly jsut settling in our newist pig Duke is a nightmare he hides behind his run mate if I appear, but is gradually coming round to the idea grassf rom my hand is quite nice , you need a lot of patience and time things should calm down soon, good luck
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