Are some piggies just unlikeable?

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Sep 26, 2009
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Hi so since I got my guinea pig Abby

I had her and Ed and Cinnamon in 1 cage together. Its been about.. half a month or so? But Abby was always bullying poor little cinnamon, biting her when they were eating, kicking her out of the pigloos chasing her etc
Never any wounds or drawn blood though

So I decided that since moos babies were older now (the reason I moved cinnamon in the first place was because I was scared she would try to nurse on moo and ruin moo's babies chance for survival) that I would try to move her back in with moo and mocha but moo bullies her there too (though not nearly as bad). Are some piggies just more susceptible to bullying? I ask this because Abby and Ed get along fine. As do Moo and Mocha, but no matter where I place Cinnamon she always seems to be the one that gets bullied.

Even moo's little girl is beating on Cinnamon now too and its only just barely 3 weeks old.
Like us guinea pigs have little characters. From what it sounds like, Abby is trying to be a very dominant guinea pig and perhaps she just wants Cinnamon to stay in certain places. Perhaps you could try getiting Cinamon another piggloo so she has some space and she will not get in Abby's way.

If that does not work then you could always get Cinnamon or Abby a friend from a rescue. Abby seems like a strong character so she should probably be put with a more quite personality. Cinnamon seems like the sort of guinea pig who would get along fine with anybody and would be happy to be the boss or just a normal dominant pig.

I hope that you find a solution for this.

SRH xx
Babies past nursing can be in for some bullying from other sows. Mummy is pushing them away at that age. Little piggies in a group are very firmly put right at the bottom of the pecking order in any group. Has Cinnamon got a mummy looking out for her or is she on her own?

Some are just somehow shyer and more timid - my Cariad is one of them as well. The always seem to end up at the bottom of any pile.
Currently I have Moo (dominant pig) Mocha (Cinnamons Mom) cinnamon, and moo's female baby all together (I have a friend that wants the baby, so this arrangement won't stay like this for much longer).

Mocha is just totally laid back she doesn't fight with anyone, she still lets Cinnamon attempt to nurse even though she doesn't have any milk anymore and Cinny is like almost 3 months old already.

The baby is gonna be another dominant pig she already thinks she is the boss even though she is only a few weeks old.

Mocha and Cinnamon sleep together all the time so its better than when Cinny was in with Ed and Abby cause Abby bugged her no matter where she was.

And I can't really rearrange the cages any different because Moo and Abby HATE each other I'm pretty certain they would have a vicious fight. One day when I was cleaning the cage I put all the girls in a box together so they would be safe from my cat when I was cleaning and moo and abby were showing their teeth to each other and biting each others faces and kicking each other, so I will never put them together again because I don't want to see a serious fight. So it has to be Moo and Abby in separate cages and since moo likes mocha and Abby likes Ed I don't really have a choice but to let Moo bully Cinny, moos bullying of Cinny is far less severe than Abby's.

@SRH I don't think I want anymore guinea pigs I already have 8 currently and more on the way X_X
You could put Cinnamon with the guinea pigs you think she would be happy with in neatral territory and bond them back together? I am sure Cinnamon will find a perfect companion out of your other seven guinea pigs.:)
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