Are Older Pigs Lazy Pigs?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
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My oldest pig, Linney, is about 5.5 years now. She has always been a lap-pig, but over the past month or so, it seems she sleeps and eats and that's about it. She doesn't appear sick- still eats, weight is stable, she doesn't hunch up or look uncomfortable and flops around in her typical legs-out-to-the-side sprawl... she just does not seem to spend as much time running around, or even standing up when she can flop instead! She can still hustle her butt when food is involved, so it's not as if she can't get around well anymore... is this just part of piggy old age, or should I be concerned?
hi one of my boars is over 5 also and he spends more time lying around he tends to lie down when eating rather then standing but I'm not sure if that's down to his age or because he has arthritis in both his back leg hocks . hes happy in himself eating so I haven't really been too worried bout him but I am also curious if this is all "normal" just in case its something else xx
mine has got arthritis maybe he needs his pain meds increased will ask vet
That's what my Gerbil did after she turned 5. shortly after she passed away peacefully in my hands :(
just think I should warn you, but I dunno if it's the same for piggies and gerbils...
I wonder about arthritis. She will have a regular checkup over the summer, I'll be sure to ask the vet then.
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