Are My Sows Really Bonded?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2017
Reaction score
Stepney, London
I have two young sows approx 14 weeks and 15 1/2 weeks old, they were sold to me by a breeder as a bonded pair at 6 1/2 and 8 weeks old.
Originally the younger of the two looked larger but now the older one is, she (Poppy) weighs 635 grams and Peach weighs 539 grams.
Since we have had them everyday Poppy spends some of the time rumbling at Peach. She also goes a bit stiff and waggles her bottom at the same time and chases her.
They are now in a C and C cage with fleece bedding two plastic hideys one fleece huggle sack and a fleece hay bag. They sometimes compete to lie on ( not in) the sack and yesterday , unusually as she is definitely undersow Peach somehow managed to flip (literally) Poppy off the sack so maybe I need to get another sack or take it out.
Sometimes Poppy seems to want to keep the food to herself so they have two hay trays and two feeding bowls to try and stop this and then sometimes they choose to eat from the same bowl quite happily.
Do you think I have any reason for concern? I would say that they seem to squabble a lot.
I have two young sows approx 14 weeks and 15 1/2 weeks old, they were sold to me by a breeder as a bonded pair at 6 1/2 and 8 weeks old.
Originally the younger of the two looked larger but now the older one is, she (Poppy) weighs 635 grams and Peach weighs 539 grams.
Since we have had them everyday Poppy spends some of the time rumbling at Peach. She also goes a bit stiff and waggles her bottom at the same time and chases her.
They are now in a C and C cage with fleece bedding two plastic hideys one fleece huggle sack and a fleece hay bag. They sometimes compete to lie on ( not in) the sack and yesterday , unusually as she is definitely undersow Peach somehow managed to flip (literally) Poppy off the sack so maybe I need to get another sack or take it out.
Sometimes Poppy seems to want to keep the food to herself so they have two hay trays and two feeding bowls to try and stop this and then sometimes they choose to eat from the same bowl quite happily.
Do you think I have any reason for concern? I would say that they seem to squabble a lot.

Hi! It sounds normal to me; there is still some dominance going on, but if the dominance has shifted since their arrival, then that is pretty much to be expected. The dominance behaviour is very much in the mild range and it is proof that your girls are indeed firmly bonded.
Sow Behaviour

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A lot of bonded pairs still squabble and show dominance behaviors. This all sounds pretty normal to me and I have seen variations on this with most of my bonded pairs over the years. Think of them like siblings- they are family but still have their arguments!