Are Mum And Daughters Likely To Get On Well, For Life?

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Dilly's Piggies

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 27, 2016
Reaction score
Lincolnshire UK
As some people will know already on here, I have an 8-month old sow with two 4-week old sows. I'm going to keep them all together as a trio for life. The babies are 4 weeks now and I'm already noticing some very mild dominance behaviours from Mum and the more dominant baby, baby is already very independent, rarely with Mum and likes to sleep and eat etc by herself, she really loves people though, I believe she will be one of those very confident and outgoing piggies, whereas her sister is more shy and is still following Mum everywhere. I'm not sure if Mum is pushing the more dominant baby out because she knows baby no longer needs her, and she's just focusing on getting the more shy baby to be more independent etc.

Mum absolutely hates other guinea pigs and attacks them to the blood, but she adores and has been a perfect Mum to her two kids, so I hope they will be friends and work well as a herd for life. It's hard to predict, but have any of you kept Mum and daughters together, did they get on better than sisters or two unrelated sows? Is it likely to work out? I hope so, I don't want Mum to be alone her entire life.
I have 3 sows, mum and her 2 daughters. When i got them mum primrose was 6 months and daughters rosie and daisy were 7 weeks. Mum has always been top pig, she's very laid back and a good mum. Rosie is also dominant but didn't get top place, so she bosses little daisy about. When the daughters hit the teens there was a lot of argueing and i thought i might have to seperate one out, but i held out, gave them plenty of space, 3 open end hideys, 3 hay trays etc. Mum is now 2 1/2 and her girls are 2 and all is fine. They dont cuddle or share but like to be together. X
There are many successful sow trios/groups, although with trios, just like humans, one of them can sometimes be 'left out'. Although as they are her babies and have all been with eachother from a young age they should be fine, just watch out for any fights or aggressivness to the point it is causing significant stress on one of the babies.

As above post said, there may be disagreements at teenager stage but hopefully not to bad as mum isn't too much older so will still be quite lively.

Goodluck - hope it works out!
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