are kitchens helpful or a pain?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 20, 2012
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sumner il
i am making a coroplast cage for my new boys and ive seen people put kitchens in their cages. do they make cleaning any easier or an extra burden?
Eh? Kitchen...mine don't cook or clean, they rely on heir hoomin to do that :(|)

lol i meant a second level area just for their food and hay just to keep it off the fleece so much ive seen them and wondered if they really did a good job of keeping the mess off the fleece and if they make the cage any easier to clean.mallethead
lol- I wondered what you meant - a hayloft?! Well - for the piggies they are brilliant and in my cage it has made he pigs much easier to catch (they come up to the hayloft you see and then they are easy to get)

Cleaning - well I can't just pull out the fleece and shake each day. I have to get in there with the hoover on the lower level. the hayloft is easy to clean but much more expensive than just having a single fleece level. that's because with the fleece, my piggies tended to use their litter trays lots but since the hayloft went on, they decided it's much more fun to piddle all over the hay. this means I am throwing a lot of hay out *** it gets smelly.

So - on balance I would say yes, they are more work BUT I think the piggies love them so much it is worth it Mine is quite big at 2 square foot and the whole lot is packed with hay so they have a popcorning good time in the loft.
lol- I wondered what you meant - a hayloft?! Well - for the piggies they are brilliant and in my cage it has made he pigs much easier to catch (they come up to the hayloft you see and then they are easy to get)

Cleaning - well I can't just pull out the fleece and shake each day. I have to get in there with the hoover on the lower level. the hayloft is easy to clean but much more expensive than just having a single fleece level. that's because with the fleece, my piggies tended to use their litter trays lots but since the hayloft went on, they decided it's much more fun to piddle all over the hay. this means I am throwing a lot of hay out *** it gets smelly.

So - on balance I would say yes, they are more work BUT I think the piggies love them so much it is worth it Mine is quite big at 2 square foot and the whole lot is packed with hay so they have a popcorning good time in the loft.

thanks :(|) i think i may make one thats removable to get under it easier. the boys are just little babies right now so i have some time to think about it i already have the extra grids and coroplast isnt hard to get especially with all the elections going on for this and that.
I LOVE having the hayloft, and so do my boars. I use fleece on the bottom level and if they spent all their time down there cleaning would be a nightmare. I use fitted liners in a covered cage, so pulling them out to shake is too difficult, and I rely on vacuuming.

In the hayloft, I use towels under newspaper. They spend most of their time up there eating (pigs!), so most of their wee etc. ends up there. It's super quick to roll up the newspaper, lay new stuff down, and put down hay every other day. Meanwhile, the fleece only needs a quick vac a few times a week, and a complete change every 7-10 days. I get SO much longer out of my fleece.

So in a way, I think it ends up being LESS work for me. That wouldn't be the case if you used fleece or something in the loft, but if you use newspaper and hay, or some other disposable bedding, that you can just roll up and toss in the bin, it takes seconds.
i think i have decided to try one and just make the whole setup movable so i can move it while cleaning. how big should i make it for two boys their cage is going to be 2x5 so i do have space to ad the level
just updating on this lol i built a 3x5 and found a stand that i can higher or lower the size it fits on perfectly :) so this should be plenty of room for fudge and hershey. cant wait to pick them up tuesday! already moved my room 3 times to prepare for them :))
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