Are GPs Messy?

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Jan 6, 2008
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[colorr]I must hovr my room last 3 tims a ay bcaus of my hammis. Thy just think my whol room is thr cag lol. Ar GPs As Mssy? I'm not rally a mssy prson my room is prtty much tiy all I hav is lik a fw things on th floor. I was just wonring if thy gt hay all ovr th floor?

Isablla x
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My guinea pigs aren't messy, I am though!

I always make a right mess with their hay and half of it ends up on the floor!

I just hoover once a day which isn't too bad :)
Nope thats why you line the cage (if you have c&c) with correx.
Also i use fleece so you don;t get shavings everywhere :)
I find they are very messy indeed. Hay and sawdust thrown everywhere. And the smell :-\ Wish they could live outside all the time. My utility room is always filthy and smelly.
Mine are a LOT more messy than my hamster, they kick poo out and hay gets traipsed everywhere, i hoover everyday and it still looks messy ;D mine are on fleece and just have hay in a litter tray, makes no difference it still ends up all over the cage etc.

P.S. you dont need sawdust, NEVER put a pig on sawdust. Just the hay would be fine if there was fleece everywhere else.
It depends what you use as bedding. Like Lisa it is me that makes a right mess!

I use fleece and I find that the hay is confined to the cage and doesn't go everywhere. Sawdust is no good for pigs.
As for the smell, there is more of a smell with boars I find the more you have the more they will smell, but cleaning regular that will keep on top of it. It is not as if it is going to smell like a sewage. ;D
I have mine in my bedroom so his cage will NEVER get smelly coz i wouldnt be able to stand it. If i could smell it or it looks messy he is cleaned out right away coz if i dnt like 2 c it then I'm sure he dnt like 2 live in it. I find that the hay stays in the cage apart from when i pick him up and always seem to get a lil hay too that goes on the floor but thats no problem 2 clear up. I just use newspaper and hay.
I think all depends on ow many pigs are going to be in a cage/hutch to how much mess their is and smell ,because we keep 6 girls in a run and their is a lot mess and it can smell abit but not much and our boys are not messie atall
I can never remember what the difference is between sawdust and woodshavings. I always call it sawdust but it may actually be woodshavings. Whichever it is, it's the one that's OK for GPs but it still ends up all over the floor.
Mine are messy because I let them run around my room at night for a few hours and the place gets covered in poop mainly under the cages. Apart from that they aren't really messy unless their cages are due to get cleaned then it will smell a bit.
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