Archie and Duke - need help..

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Hello all, right well the past few weeks Archie has been humping Duke like there is no tomorrow! my poor little Duke hasn't been very well and he lost some weight and is like half the size and weight of Archie so you can imagine that Archie is obv crushing Duke when he's humping him!

Anyway last night, it got really bad they kept both me and my mum up most of the night because Duke squeals like he is in pain whenever archie goes near him and even more so when he's humping him! so at 5am this morning id had enough i needed some sleep so i removed archie and put him in a cardboard box which i use to put them in when I'm cleaning them out, Duke then started to chew the bars because he was on his own, and archie started squeaking! they eventually went quiet and i got a few hours sleep.

I need some advice on when this is going to stop, because I'm really tired, they keep waking my mum up, obv its doing duke no good.. I'm really worried its stressing him out as he's lost fur from his belly he is practically bald on his belly now, but i dont think its mites or anything because the skin is healthy, no wounds, and he isnt scratching it at all.. nobody else has any hair loss either, and its just on his belly from where his neck start right down the underside of him.

if anyone can give me some advice id be grateful thank you! I really dont want to have to be seperating them every night.
Hi there.
I think it might be a case of eliminating some reasons why this might be happening.

Firstly, how long have they lived together?
Secondly, how old are they?
Thirdly, are you sure that they are both boars? I am sure you are, but thought I would ask ... sorry.

It is a worry when you think one is getting hurt!
Hiya yeah, they are deffo boars lol ive had sows for nearly 7 years and they have never caused me any bother! lol

Duke is 1 year and 9 months old, and Archie is approx 12-13 months, they have lived together for roughly 11 months and have always got on ok, before that duke lived with his brother Shakey, he died when he was 10 months old so i got Archie as a friend for duke, because duke was only young then himself i didnt want him to have a lonely life.

anyway with archie there was a bit of rumbling now and then but just lately it has been really bad, its archie doing it to duke not the other way around.. I'm so worried about my little guy i checked his skin again today and he had a bit of fluff ect before and now its completely bald but the skin is in absoloutly perfect condition, so scratches, scars, or anything just healthy skin, do i need to be putting something on like a mosituriser from GG or anything because he has no fur there.. He lives inside so he is warm enough.. ive just made him a sleepy sack and hammock too hopefully if he does feel cold he will get into the sleepy sack :) atm he is chilling out in the hammock lol

thanks for your reply!
Sometimes animals do sort of attack or gang up on poorly pack members, Is is since Dukes health issues that Archie has been doing this ?
I had a sow who lost a lot of hair and her skin looked alright , she was bathed in GG Manuka and Neem and the hair has grown back. I think she must have a a fungal infection even though the skin seened fine.
I had the same sort of thing with two young boars about 4 years ago - the boars had the same father but not the same mother and I put them together from an early age. It didn't work out because I had the same problem as you are having and one of the boars was losing weight because the other boar was bullying him and humping him and he had a large bitemark in the middle of his back so I separated them for good and the boar that had lost weight put all his weight back on and lived a happy life until he died and the bully boar is the one in my avatar and I still have him and he's nearly 5 years old now.:)
Thanks, i had to take archie out last night as he was doing it again so he came out at 11.30ish and went back in this morning so me and duke could both have a good nights sleep!

I really don't want to seperate them for good, because i dont have room for another cage, and i dont want 2 lonely boars.. it only seems to be happening at night time he's in there now and they are fine! maybe i could find something to split the cage in half at night time it might be easier than keep taking him out.
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