Anyone used this bedding ?

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I don't use this by why not as for a free sample because they come in large bales and you are unsure on whether it would be suitable bedding for your elderly guinea ;)
sounds like a good idea, Chester has a really bad allergy to the dust you get in sawdust thats my excuse anyways ;)
Did you ever try this bedding twiams?
Would be interested to know how you got on with it as one of my older guineas seems to be having a reaction to something in the hay and i thought about changing him to fleece , with some kind of paper bedding in the piglu. ?/
I actually do use this bedding, its from a different company but the same stuff. Basically its like torn up toilet roll, its soft, absorbant and not too smelly. I can grab the wet clumps to remove daily and sprinkle more ontop before I do a full clean out. I only had newspaper underneath to help absorb the moisture and I use it in the litter trays and on the bottom floor of their outdoor hutch.
Thanks Pepperdog...I am just off to the shops to see what i can find, and have a trip to the vets this afternoon for a check up to make sure Eddies breathing isn't caused by something else..xx
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