Anyone had their wisdom teeth out?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
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North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Am taking OH to hospital tomorrow to get his wisdom teeth removed under general anaesthetic. I've stocked up on cocodomol, mouth wash, soups, ice cream, custard etc (I drew the line at the request for baby food ::)) - just wondered if anyone has had it done and if there was anything they found that helped, and how long it took to get over it...
Yes, I had 3 out under GA.

A tip - starts him on Nurofen right now. It will build up a level of pain relief even before surgery. That's a tip from anaesthetists.

Wishing him lots of luck :)
I believe Nuro doesn't go well with asthma, but whatever he can take should help
If, like me, he goes poisoned quickly, he should make sure the anaes prescribes antibiotics to take home as well as painkillers. Salt water for mouthwashing too.

And eat slowly and carefully ;D
eek, I'm going for a consult about mine next month.... starting to think I should grin and bear the agro I get every now and then, rather than get them out :( what a wuss i am hey :embarassed:
Poisoned?! What happened?

Beks, he has been putting it off for about a year but now it is getting painful and bothersome, so unfortuantely you'll prob have to have it done sooner or later.. :( I wouldn't like it either! i am a total whimp!
My OH had some out last year. He was ok after a day or so. They signed him off from work for a week though. O0
I had mine done two at a time under a local

It was actually fine - the injections were the worst bit.

The stitches were minging though
I had my two top ones out years ago, not pleasant but i am what's called a 'bleeder' so i have to have the wound sutured/stitched. The worst part in a way is the after taste of the old blood etc... sorry it's a bit gross but it really is unpleasant. Yes salt water mouth wash the best thing and ask about which drugs he can have tell him not to be a hero cause he doesn't want to be in pain in the middle of the night.
Good luck :) O0
I had 2 of mine out a few years ago with a local - again injections were worse than the dental work! I went to the dentists as the x ray showed they were straight - so ok to remove during a longer appointment slot. Friends were 'impacted' so that has to be done under general i believe?

Def avoid hot drinks - i had a cuppa when i got in and it really hurt! I had painkillers the previous day to help. I did go to work the same day on a late shift and felt so ill. I wish id of had a day off sick now - mine didnt bleed much but it is a horrible taste in your mouth after for about 1-2 days :(

Soft foods are the best, nothing crunchy!

Good luck :)
ohh poor thing - i was really bad - i wa sin agony for at least 7 days - in fact to be honest the first 5 days i felt like death but it all depends on your dentist - i honestly think mine punched me about a bit because i was throbbing in agony from ny neck to my ears for a good week and then suddenly it started to gte better - every one has a different experience.

Pain killers - endless amounts and lots of night nurse :)
There deffo is a lot of facial bruising that goes down the neck also.
Take a good dose of Diazepam before you go in & everything will be fine. :P Tell your dentist you are really scared about having it done & ask them to perscribe something I have a super gentle dentist in Beeston who has taken out 3 of mine - Beks its only on Queens road so quite close to you.

Don't put up with Wisdom tooth pain - it contributed to many of my migraines. If you have the chance get them pulled.
i had mine taken out on the 12th march under sedation, No stitches and i was home 2 hours afterwards. i don't like needles and i hate dentist and i was so scared when i got to the hospital but as soon as i had it done it wasn't as bad as i was expecting. i was on soft food for the first 24hours and parcetmal but after that i was fine to eat. Healing time is quite quick too which was surprising.

He will be fine
Had my top 2 out a few years ago, and like some of the others have said, the injections are the worst bit. Don't remember being in much pain afterwards, but the only advice I can give is don't smoke too soon afterwards! One of mine had twisted roots and was a bit of a to come out, I'm sure the dentist was sitting on me trying to pull it out ;D
Thanks All!
I picked him up last night from the hospital, he was very queasy and in a lot of pain, but he is here next to me scoffing a bowl of ravioli so I think he is on the mend! :)
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