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Anyone had a piggie with colic?

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Took my piggie to the vets today after a bit of a shock this morning. It all started yesterday, I noticed he was thin and his weight had dropped by about 100g. He wasn't interested in food at all, and he was dribbling. I managed to syringe feed him water and mushed up pellets, and a bit of fresh grass. This morning, wok up and the poor thing was shaking, still dribbling and feeling even thinner. Took him in for an emergency appointment and the vet thinks he has colic. Checked his teeth and they were fine, nothing blocking his mouth. He gave him an injection for the pain, and another for the colic. Also he's given me some recovery mix I have to feed him. Has anyone else had a piggy with colic? He said it was caused by poor digestion, could that be because he's getting older as he's 4 now? He has unlimited hay and always has. I don't over feed him, and he's got a good supply of pellets. I have to take him back tomorrow to see how he's doing. Any info anyone has would be great.
Hi love i'm so sorry to hear this :'( :'( :'( :'( special healing wheeks and loves for you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
When Duke had colic he was like a bit bloated and and couldn't eat properly and his bowels wouldn't work..... i gave him the children's drops as advised by people and the vets...they then checked him out and agreed it was colic. I didn't have the dribbling problem tho, did your vet check his toofies ? ? ?
I'd pm Mary as well as this seems different to my situation maybe i'm on the wrong track :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ sowwy :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:
I'm sure there will be others that can help you both O0
Make sure he gets plenty of water too O0
Keep us posted and we'll have our paws crossed too :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Thanks Glynis :smitten:

Yeah he did check his teeth, first thing he did. I mentioned I thought it could be a tooth problem because of the dribbling. He said if he was sure it was his back teeth he would have got him booked in to have them clipped today. But as he wasn't sure wants to see him back tomorrow. Luckily I really trust this vet, he's a lovely man who has never given me reason to doubt him which is good. :)

He's getting ever so pampered at the moment so hopefully he'll get better :)
Keep him off greens for now also and you could feed some mushed up pellets etc...
Good i'm glad he checked the toofies O0 it's hard to see them properly too, i've got a piccie of Duke's mouth and it's amazing how much food these guys store in there :o :o
If his dribbling is still there and it smells sort of weird.... almost vinegar smell.... that's toofies i know that smell well :( a little spur can be there that is not found unless they can get right into their mouths and have a good look O0
Hang in there love i'm sure you and the vet will get to the bottom of this :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks again :smitten: :smitten:

Yep definitely something strange about him dribbling. The vet is going to check him and his teeth again tomorrow, see how hes doing after the injections and the recovery mix...there nearly a glass full of brown mushy stuff that really doesn't look too appealing that i've got to get down him today so that will be a challenge! ::)

How did it go with your Duke when he had colic? Thats like my Skinny, is belly is bloated and gassy and he's really gone off food. Looking thoroughly sorry for himself poor thing!
OMG He's now shaking and his body feels all weird when I stroke him. He's not moving at all :'( :'(
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