Anyone For Guinea Pig Cake?

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WOW! I would like to see also the inner part...
... and the recipe........ :roll:
(although I hate cooking and baking!)
Looks amazing! I would be sad when having to cut it for eating it lol
last time when I baked a cake there was black smoke coming out from the window... I had forgotten the cake into the oven...
Another time the apple-pie was raw inside.......:no:
WOW! I would like to see also the inner part...
... and the recipe........ :roll:
(although I hate cooking and baking!)

The cake is to a secret family recipe passed down to me by my Gran who in turn had it passed down to her from her Granny and then decorated with buttercream and the ears are fondant icing.

for me it is too late... my daughter has seen... and of course she wants it!

You'll have to make one for her now!

I am absolutely not letting my daughter see this!

Why not it was easy to make once I'd thought about it! At one stage I was a bit worried it may look like a hedgehog!:oops::lol!:
I want cake now lol.

That's what I told Tom and his friends:)). It was mixed emotions really:hmm: .... I was pleased that they liked it so much:love: they scoffed the lot:drool: but a bit miffed that it had taken about 3 hours to complete:yikes: and they had left me with nothing:oops:
Really good looking cake. You'll just have to make another one now. I know you could make a mum and a baby awww
That looks so cool, you should be proud!
Wow it looks amazing! :drool::drool::drool: You are quite talented!
To bad you never got to try any. :no:
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