Junior Guinea Pig
Hi all, I made a post a couple days ago and updated it today but didn’t wanna keep clogging up that post especially now that the issue has been diagnosed if that makes sense. Also, a WARNING for a bloody/gory photo.
I just had a quick question for anyone experienced with abscesses, Eggs’ abscess was drained by the vet and flushed at around 10am. This is how it looks immediately after we got home and looks pretty much identical still, the actual hole is quite small. I just sprayed a couple millimetres to the hole with salt water and 2 10ml syringes and then dabbed dry. I think I’ve got the overall picture of abscess care down thanks to posts and people here, except the flushing
Just wondering, should I actually be prying the hole open and then spraying with a syringe? Or even a needle? As disgusting as that sounds. Or am I doing it correctly by spraying with a large syringe just in front of the wound? The messaging I got and even some of the sources I’m looking at weren’t fully clear, my vet didn’t give specifics apart from to flush it a few times a day with salt water and pull off any scabbing when it starts to form.
I just had a quick question for anyone experienced with abscesses, Eggs’ abscess was drained by the vet and flushed at around 10am. This is how it looks immediately after we got home and looks pretty much identical still, the actual hole is quite small. I just sprayed a couple millimetres to the hole with salt water and 2 10ml syringes and then dabbed dry. I think I’ve got the overall picture of abscess care down thanks to posts and people here, except the flushing
Just wondering, should I actually be prying the hole open and then spraying with a syringe? Or even a needle? As disgusting as that sounds. Or am I doing it correctly by spraying with a large syringe just in front of the wound? The messaging I got and even some of the sources I’m looking at weren’t fully clear, my vet didn’t give specifics apart from to flush it a few times a day with salt water and pull off any scabbing when it starts to form.