Anyone elses guinea pig tell them things?

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Jan 6, 2010
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United Kingdom.
Because I've had Cindy so long i feel like i know what she's trying to tell me.
Sometimes if she wants her cage cleaning out she'll sit there. when she had her old house she used to sit in that. she wouldn't come out until i cleaned it.
She also tells us when she needs the toilet when she's out of her cage, she'll make a bit of a racket to let us know she wants putting back in her cage.. then she'll do a wee.
I reward her with a treat if she does that.

I love my piggy :)
does anyone elses tell them things?

Lois x
when I'm pottering around by their cage rosie or jasmine always looks out at me for ages until i give them some cucumber :))

or sometimes they sit in their hay corner and wait for more hay even though i filed it up an half an hour before :)) cheeky monkeys
I have had quite a few piggies sitting at my feet next to the computer chair and stairing at me right on time exactly ten minutes before dinner dinner time every single day!

I also remember protest marches with banners and slogan shouting on those days when the weather was too wet for going out on the lawn in summer!
mine do use mind control they all know what time tea time is plus breakfast
jake the other night sat on top of home looking at me say move it tea time not much hay left & the best one we've poo'd everywhere pick it :p:p:p
Oh yes they are starting to!

They both wheek loudly if I get a chopping board out the cupboard or open the fridge door regardless of whether I'm feeding us or them! Cuddles also starts fidgeting around at lap time if she wants a wee, my husband has missed this hint a few times ;)
Well my Sonny, Pheobe, Bethany, Maggie-May and Ruby are so chatty! Bethany will constantly chatter away to me when we're having cuddles, I'm so sure she's telling me not to cut her hair as she likes it long and flowing and Ruby is her hairdresser, not me! LOL! I like to keep her hair short even though she's a sheltie, because however much i groom her, she gets knots and clumpy fur so it needs to be all cut short! it seems like she tells me to let her grow it, but she hates it being cut! Pheobe always asks for her daddy, Ruby asks for food and Maggie-May and Sonny speak a million miles an hour and ask soooo many questions (I'm sure they do!) that my mind just boggles! @)mallethead:x?/:(|)
I have a three-year-old, Beano, and two babies, Bubble and Squeak who, unfortunately all have to live seperately as they don't get on together. As well as the usual 'food based' communication from Beano: squeaking when I move a knife in the kitchen, opening the fridge door and coming back with shopping bags etc she's now taken to telling me how to raise the baby ones!

Bubble and Squeak were making a bit of a racket the other day and I assumed they were just trying to get some more treats. I looked over and saw Beano, up at the bars looking at me. She had this look on her face of concern, like she was telling me to go and check on the babies. I did and their water bowls were completely empty and they were obviously squeaking for a drink. She could obviously tell the difference between them trying it on for extra treats and really needing attention.

Although, since she bit me and drew blood and I went 'ow' and pormptly put her back in her cage she has decided that is the most effective way of telling me she wants to go back and does it all the time!
I have a three-year-old, Beano, and two babies, Bubble and Squeak who, unfortunately all have to live seperately as they don't get on together. As well as the usual 'food based' communication from Beano: squeaking when I move a knife in the kitchen, opening the fridge door and coming back with shopping bags etc she's now taken to telling me how to raise the baby ones!
Awwh! Thats amazing :)
Yeh pretty much the same as everyone else - wheres the dinner, i need to pee (mo will fidget if out for cuddles so you know to put him back :) jules on the other hand just widdles whereveer he is there is no warning with that one and i swear it is like a tsunami :)) )

i talk away to them and they chatter back - probably saying I'm nuts for talking to them lol then if I'm on the phone to mum i will put them on loud squeaker and ask if they want to squeak to granny and papa mum talks away to them too shes nuts too mallethead
I know when Ludo needs a wee, he bites me! :o

Hoggle just does this really pathetic whimper when he wants to go back! :(|)

(just kidding, it is cute!) xoxo
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