Anyone Else Suffer With Tmj? Or The Like?

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Have you have been given any other type of ortho appliance to alter your jaw relationship when you sleep @TheFurryGodmother? We give out loads of night gaurds or BRAs at work. They are just a cheap item that only help a hand full of people with your condition if its caused by bruxism. For the rest it can make the condition worse as your jaw is propped open and you spend all night trying to close your jaw to its normal position.

I had a rubber horrible mouth guard thing, and it made it worse - not sure if that's what you mean?
Is that the ony thing you have ever been given though. That generally only relives discomfort brought on by bruxism.
Is that the ony thing you have ever been given though. That generally only relives discomfort brought on by bruxism.
At Kings they said I should have another mouth guard that wasn't rubber - that's when I never got another appointment :/

Heather, it is normally only when I yawn and eat toffee etc. I haven't had it happen much recently.
That's okay then! Stop eating toffee!
We make the hard splints for people who grind there teeth and wear through the soft ones.
Well I didn't do that, they just seemed to think a hard splint would be better... I didn't really want one anyway, as I'd only bite that out of annoyance anyway haha
That's the problem with anything dental related with the Nhs. All the techniques and methods they use are all antiquated now. When I was doing my training they where showing us about materials and procedures that where 20 years out of date. Have you considered just going for a consultation at a private specialist and see if there is anything they can do for you? I know it will be expensive but if it fixes the problem and you never have it for the rest of your life it will be worth it.
That's the problem with anything dental related with the Nhs. All the techniques and methods they use are all antiquated now. When I was doing my training they where showing us about materials and procedures that where 20 years out of date. Have you considered just going for a consultation at a private specialist and see if there is anything they can do for you? I know it will be expensive but if it fixes the problem and you never have it for the rest of your life it will be worth it.
Nope, because I really could not afford it :'/
Maybe after you finish uni you could. A few years down the line the Nhs might have updated their their procedures and they might have a solution for you. You shouldn't have to go private really as the nhs should follow through with your treatment. The problem is they have treatment plans they have to follow so you will have to keep trying different mouthgaurd until they can positively say that all options are exhausted on that path and try another.
Yup! We shall have to see, the last dentist I saw however literally said 'deal with it'.
A typical can't be bothered attitude. That was nice of them. Lets hope they never have a problem where they have to rely on another supposed health care professional to fix it who has the same attitude as them;-)
A typical can't be bothered attitude. That was nice of them. Lets hope they never have a problem where they have to rely on another supposed health care professional to fix it who has the same attitude as them;-)

Preaching that!
I can't open my mouth as wide as I should be able to and it locks sometimes.Have a constant ache and if I chew too long or stuff that is too hard it hurts like hell.I've had it for years.Am on pregablin for fibromyalgia so that helps the ache in my jaw.My dentist that sorted my plate was gonna get in touch with the hospital but nothing ever came of it so I haven't bothered.I just live with it as I can cope at the moment.I put my headaches down to stress, maybe the jaw is what causes it
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