Anya Climbs Onto Aurora's Back When She's Scared? Causing Wounds?


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
East Midlands
Hi guys,

We adopted two new girls a few weeks ago and they were very scared of humans, I don't think they got much contact in their old home.

I noticed the day we picked them up that when they're scared Anya, the more confident of the two will climb onto her sisters back?

This didn't bother me too much, she's scared new home and all that,
But she's caused a wound on Auroras back,
Then it healed nicely I kept an eye on it, it didn't seem to be a problem and it healed nicely and the fur started growing back.

But a few weeks later they're still timid around me, they're getting more confident, but I noticed Anya had literally climbed over Aurora to get away from me and opened the wound on her back again,

Is this a problem?
I've done a lot to try to stop it
They have two huts,
One is very big because they seem to want to go into the same hut,

But I think she's hurting her sister by climbing on her when she gets scared?

Is there anything I can do?

Is this somewhat normal behaviour that will go away when she gets more used to us?
Hi guys,

We adopted two new girls a few weeks ago and they were very scared of humans, I don't think they got much contact in their old home.

I noticed the day we picked them up that when they're scared Anya, the more confident of the two will climb onto her sisters back?

This didn't bother me too much, she's scared new home and all that,
But she's caused a wound on Auroras back,
Then it healed nicely I kept an eye on it, it didn't seem to be a problem and it healed nicely and the fur started growing back.

But a few weeks later they're still timid around me, they're getting more confident, but I noticed Anya had literally climbed over Aurora to get away from me and opened the wound on her back again,

Is this a problem?
I've done a lot to try to stop it
They have two huts,
One is very big because they seem to want to go into the same hut,

But I think she's hurting her sister by climbing on her when she gets scared?

Is there anything I can do?

Is this somewhat normal behaviour that will go away when she gets more used to us?

It is normal behaviour for a baby scramble underneath or on of mum whenever it is frightened, and timid piggies can continue with this.

Please check your timid girl's nails and see whether it is safe to cut just the very tip off (just the last millimetre) yet or not. See a vet if the wound persists/returns in case it is not caused by the scrambling but self-inflicted because of mange mites or fungal. Most wounds on the back are actually self-inflicted because the kin is painfully sore/itchy in that spot. Mange mites do not necessarily cause a large outbreak or lots of scratching/hair loss to be present. Please do not treat on spec with low dosed pet shop products; you can make things worse instead of better.

Hi! Here are our tips on how you can settle skittish piggies. It takes time and patience, but the more you can avoid acting as a predator, the sooner and better you will succeed.
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig

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