Adult Guinea Pig
A posh shoe shop 2 doors down from where I work is closing down - I have snaffled a car full (literally ) of nice thick brown paper carrier bags - in different sizes - shoe box size and long boot box size - they would be great for piggies to play in / fill with hay - or possibly line cages for warmth etc - I would be happy to bring them to the Swindon meet Connie is trying to arrange ( if Connie manages to arrange it for a Sunday ) - if any one would like some or any rescues would be able to make use of them - I am in Malmesbury near Swindon / Bristol if anyone wants a load - if any rescues would like a load I can get a load more - they were actually going to pay a company to shred them all they have that many - but they never turned up - so she has a load more that I can snaffle if anyone / any rescue is interested - just p.m me -