Any More.....?

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Aww - so happy to meet another blueberry fan (and a very cute one at that).
Eddi send his happiest, blueberry greetings to his blueberry loving friend across the sea :hug:
He is happy to meet another fan, and also happy you live so far away and can't steal his blueberries :drool:
Miss Nutmeg says thank you to Eddi :hug:
She's also happy that she doesn't have to share her blueberries with anyone else who loves them :inn:
Nutmeg likes munching her blueberries in her snuggie so no one can see her :wub:
Mine are allowed 4 every week, not sure if I'm allowed to give anymore. 7 are addicted to them, & 1 likes her parsley instead.
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