Junior Guinea Pig
Hi there,
Currently my 3 boars get fresh veggie breakfast at 11AM when my husband gets home from work and stays with them all day (he works 4AM-10AM). I work from 8:30AM-5:30PM. So my guinea pigs are used to only being alone very minimally (maybe 2-6 hours tops every day). I am currently bonding a third boar into my existing pair. They eat their fresh veggies dinner at 9PM on the dot, they even start to act up around that time because they are expecting their lettuce. Here's my concern: My husband starts a new job next week in which he will be working "normal hours." This means that breakfast will be moved to 8AM and they will be home alone for at least 7 hours while we are at work. I'm starting to get major anxiety about this because they aren't used to being alone. Also, Reptar, my alpha occasionally has hormonal swings in which he picks on my bottom piggy Maximus. Luckily my husband is always home to separate and calm them down when this happens. I know guinea pigs are very much creatures of routine and I'm wondering if they will be affected by this change. Also, can they become sad from being without their humans for longer than they are used to?
Thanks in advance,
Currently my 3 boars get fresh veggie breakfast at 11AM when my husband gets home from work and stays with them all day (he works 4AM-10AM). I work from 8:30AM-5:30PM. So my guinea pigs are used to only being alone very minimally (maybe 2-6 hours tops every day). I am currently bonding a third boar into my existing pair. They eat their fresh veggies dinner at 9PM on the dot, they even start to act up around that time because they are expecting their lettuce. Here's my concern: My husband starts a new job next week in which he will be working "normal hours." This means that breakfast will be moved to 8AM and they will be home alone for at least 7 hours while we are at work. I'm starting to get major anxiety about this because they aren't used to being alone. Also, Reptar, my alpha occasionally has hormonal swings in which he picks on my bottom piggy Maximus. Luckily my husband is always home to separate and calm them down when this happens. I know guinea pigs are very much creatures of routine and I'm wondering if they will be affected by this change. Also, can they become sad from being without their humans for longer than they are used to?
Thanks in advance,