Any Grooming Tip For A Fidgeting Hairy Monster?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 13, 2010
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Hey guys,

Stripey has got more and more difficult the older she has got, she needs her coat trimmed but me and my mum just can't get her to sit still. She'll kick and spin around and jump about like a lunatic, i thought as we do it regularly she'd get use to it but she's getting more and more stroppy and difficult!

I really need some advice as i won't give up on her, I'm just not too sure how to overcome this obstacle.. at the moment i feel like a failure.

I phoned my vet and he didn't really have any advice for me other than to distract her with food which I've tried with nearly every food under the sun!

She's a lovely piggie just very opinionated and i want to help her, i want this to be enjoyable for her or at least tolerable!


Thanks in advance!
Maybe one of you could hold her while the other one trims her? If you haven't already tried that.she looks very cute:))
Just managed to trim underneath her like her back legs and bum bit, we distracted her with dandelions and i held her while my mum did the trimming.

I'm scratched everywhere though!

She's such a little madam... but at least we managed to get a bit done though!
Maybe that's the way you'll have to do it, just a bit at a time - and with help! I'm sorry you got so scratched though - obviously your loving care isn't being very appreciated! Stripey does look very, very cute though - especially with her nose stuck in the food bowl like that!
You could contact the vet, a nurse would probably do it for a few pounds
Its such a pain when i have to do Honor's hair. I find it can take a long time...i let her burrow in a towel/blanket ...and just let her back end poke out, so i can trim that hair. This usually makes things a little easier... If she dont see the scissors and brush she is usually better. That failing maybe take her to the vets or maybe a local rescues/ boarding place...sometimes they do additional things to raise funds? I know my local piggie rescue offers a bathing/grooming/cutting service for a good price.
At one point i have 3 long haired piggies (my first 3 piggies) and had to bath and trim them regularly. Its a challenge and can take time. My top tip is dont stress and take your time. i allow myself an evening bathing/cutting Honor's hair, sometimes i can do it quick ish....others it takes ages. Dont stress, come back and try again :)
thanks guys, we're going to try and do little bits at time and if we can't contact the vet or our local rescue... Thanks for all the advice!

I'll let you know how we get on.. :)
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