Viennese Furbabies
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Does anyone have personal experiences with the extraction of a lower incisor?
My aporox. 5.5 years old boar Odi has teeth problems. They started in March but only got really bad a few weeks ago when his lower left incisor got bigger and bigger. It affects the right lower incisor and the lower molars as well.
From the look of it, it's not clear of the right lower incisor is getting bigger as well.
The next step is a CT next Friday. Then there will be a tough decision to make. If only the left incisor is affected and everything else looks okay, the vet would advice the tooth to be extracted. Odi should be okay with three incisors and most of the problems would be solved.
That sounds great in theory but I'm not really convinced.
So any experiences would be very appreciated.
My aporox. 5.5 years old boar Odi has teeth problems. They started in March but only got really bad a few weeks ago when his lower left incisor got bigger and bigger. It affects the right lower incisor and the lower molars as well.
From the look of it, it's not clear of the right lower incisor is getting bigger as well.
The next step is a CT next Friday. Then there will be a tough decision to make. If only the left incisor is affected and everything else looks okay, the vet would advice the tooth to be extracted. Odi should be okay with three incisors and most of the problems would be solved.
That sounds great in theory but I'm not really convinced.
So any experiences would be very appreciated.