Anti Parasite Vaccine

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Ati Ebrahimi

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 20, 2016
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My vet advised me to do vaccination every 3 months, is that okay? I heard it is way too much for guinea pigs. What should I do?
p.s. I live in Iran, Asia maybe it's different over here?!
I have never heard of this for piggies.
I know you can get spot on treatments that you drop on the back of their necks. Is this what the vet meant?
Or an actual injection?

To be honest I probably wouldn't treat regularly for parasites unless there was an actual problem with them.
If your piggies are well and not having a problem, then I wouldn't treat them for something hey don't have.
I guess the exception would be if they regularly come into contact with other piggies that could have parasites (e.g. if you often board other animals which may be infected).

But I am sure someone else who knows more about these things will be along shortly to offer advice.
I have never heard of this for piggies.
I know you can get spot on treatments that you drop on the back of their necks. Is this what the vet meant?
Or an actual injection?

To be honest I probably wouldn't treat regularly for parasites unless there was an actual problem with them.
If your piggies are well and not having a problem, then I wouldn't treat them for something hey don't have.
I guess the exception would be if they regularly come into contact with other piggies that could have parasites (e.g. if you often board other animals which may be infected).

But I am sure someone else who knows more about these things will be along shortly to offer advice.

He meant like giving him the drug orally.
I think he meant medication not injection. like anti parasite drugs.

If he meant giving him it orally, it will be for internal parasites such as worms. Normally this isnt necessary.. But it does depend on where you live and if your piggies are indoors or outdoors.

Treatment on the skin would be for external parasities such as mites/lice.
If he meant giving him it orally, it will be for internal parasites such as worms. Normally this isnt necessary.. But it does depend on where you live and if your piggies are indoors or outdoors.

Treatment on the skin would be for external parasities such as mites/lice.

He lives indoor & We live in Iran,Asia. I really don't know if giving him medication is helping him or might get him sick or resistant to drugs!
He lives indoor & We live in Iran,Asia. I really don't know if giving him medication is helping him or might get him sick or resistant to drugs!

I'm in the UK, and i dont treat for mites or worms as a prevention, but I'm really not sure about wether it should be done where you are.

I'm sorry i cant be of more help! A few of our health and illness advisors are at an open day today but i have tagged them and I'm sure someone will get back to you later today x
My vet advised me to do vaccination every 3 months, is that okay? I heard it is way too much for guinea pigs. What should I do?
p.s. I live in Iran, Asia maybe it's different over here?!

It is not practised in the UK to my knowledge. If in doubt, say no.
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