Anti ageing

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Jan 27, 2006
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For those of you that use anti ageing / anti wrinkle products, what brand do you use, how effective do you consider it to be?

I'm using the Garnier Ultralift ones (in the red containers) but fancy a change. So what would you recommend :)
same as you Bev I save my Boots points and wait for it to be a couple of quid off then buy with the points ahh clever me but i love it and did try others but always came back so have half finsihed jars the garnier eye cream in a reed tube is great as well, well us more mature ladies need pamparing
To be honest, Bev, I find just ordinary Nivea is the best. My mother has used only that all her life - you can talk to her about it at our lunch party ;D
My nana swears by Nivea and water and plenty of s*x. ;D She's 74 this month and has lovely skin. I use Nivea Q10 its lovely. Not as lucky as nana on the other bit though ;D ;D
Yes i was reading a review where X amount of women used either moiusturiser or anti ageing stuff but didn't know which, and most said the moisturiser had a better effect on their skin. Out of the 48 who used anti ageing stuff only 10 said it had made a difference. I've been looking at the Nivea range, the Nivea soft has pretty good reviews.

Anybody use Olay?
My granny knew someone who did - it gave her terrble wrinkles ;D ;D ;D
thats one i tried and I too got a rash, if I did attempt anything else I would probably give Nivea Q10 a try basically becasue Nivea has been around for years, my nan used the simple range and had soft skin and looked great until she died at 79,
I use the bog standard Ulay - have done for years coz I like the smell and its light - but one of my old school mates who is a bio cheimist said that they used to put afterbirth in it?! Disgusting! I don't want to be smearing that on my face! Its put me off my favourite. But the others are all probably the same - am thinking of switching to the Bodyshop for everything - i am getting really worried about all the shampoo and conditioner that goes down the plughole so have got some Bodyshop hair stuff, and I use the Ecover cleaning products ... I don't believe those ads on TV where they go on about "pentopeptides" or whatever they are.. i think they are fobbing off women who are increasingly bombarded with pictures of celebs who all look fantastic (airbrushed!).

And I could slap that Andie McDowell from the L'Oreal ads!
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