Ant emergency!


Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 7, 2017
Reaction score
Norwich UK
Just seen ants all over the top of the outdoor hutch, and a few in the hay as well - if I can see a few I wonder how many more are lurking underneath.

I've moved the pigs to their winter hutch in the garage overnight & will scrub out the hutch in the morning but how do I stop them coming back?

Husband just told me before we went away last weekend he filled in all the gaps where they were getting in the house so obviously the pigs' house, where there is always food, is their next target :-(
Does your hutch have legs? How about putting ant powder all around the legs of the hutch? Obviously you will need to keep your pigs away from that area

You can also buy those ant traps from places like Wilko s. May be put a couple of those on the roof of the hutch?
When I cleaned out the hutch yesterday, I found about 50 baby earwigs and loads of eggs. Well out came the hoover! The hutch was liberally sprayed with F10 and all surfaces were wiped down. I used nearly 500ml of F10! Hopefully that has seen off the blighters!

Here's hoping you can get rid of your ant problems!
I would recommend Nippon ant gel. It's a bait/killer. Pop a small blob under the hutch, the ants come along and take it back to the nest with them and it kills off the nest. Not pleasant for them but stops the infestation problem
Ant traps are fabulous as is the Nippon gel. We live in an area with sandy soil so ants are regular visitors.