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Jan 26, 2008
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Bumble is doing great after his chest infection ..... he is gaining weight every single day. He's now up to 472g from 378 just before Easter....so I am very pleased.
One small problem ..... today when I picked him up to weigh him I noticed he had a scab at the top of his lips....you know where they meet the nose. I have no idea where this scab has come from but it kind of stretches across the split bit of the lips.

Any ideas whats happened ? And what should I do ? Should I leave it well alone and just watch or should I bathe it ? if so what should I bathe it with ?

I'm actually more curious to know where it came from....

Will try and get a picture but it may be tricky !
Could he have banged himself? Any chance of a pic? Maybe a fungal problem, I hope he is ok. Great that he is getting over his chest infection! :smitten:
Our Oscar had this and the vet said it was likely to be chelitis http://www.guinealynx.com/cheilitis.html apparently a Vit C supplement can help but it can occur when a guinea is run down or recovering from illness etc according to the vet.

Another thing I heard from a rescue very recently - and I don't know if anyone more medical can verify this but too much sweetcorn can cause this type of sore where the lip splits a bit?

What about acidic veg etc, tomatoes, apples etc, do they eat much of that kind of thing? Or as Louise said, could be fungal...
I have heard that scabby eyes or mouth could be scurvy - a vitamin C deficiency. You could always give extra vit c for a week or so to see if it clears.
He is such a good boy ....

Take a look ..... what do you think ?


I did wonder about sweetcorn....I think that may be the culprit. I have been putting it in as I wanted hime to get chewing because he has had a lot of spinach and leafy stuff lately whilst he was unwell. He loves it and is greedy for it. I thought it was sweet the way he razored his way around the sweetcorn but obviously I need to lay of it for a while. But it does look quite sore doesn't it ?
Yeah it does look sore - maybe you could bathe it with some salt water as well - sometimes that helps with infection. My one cat gets scabs due to sensitive skin so I bathe them with salt water and put some vaseline on them to protect them from further bleeding and sometimes they heal themselves.
Well, my vet couldn't say for definate Oscar's was Cheilitis, so I certainly wouldn't like to say myself, but it may be worth leaving off the sweetcorn if what I was told is correct about it - the rescue lady said no treatment was needed just withdrawing the sweetcorn should help, but again, I would never try to diagnose! I think it's really hard to know with these kinds of things isn't it.

Hopefully someone medically knowledgable will come along soon, it does look sore. Chrissie's Gorgeous Guineas Lavendar & Myrrh lotion is soothing and may help, and apparently lavender is a natural antiseptic.
that does look sore for him :'( :'( :'( but those piggy lips i just want to :-* :-* :-* bumble looks like me at the moment, got this :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: cold sore on my lip and it is so annoying and i keep biting it. at least it is 12 months since my last one. sending hugs and cuddles to you and bumble :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and the girls send :-* :-* :-* perhaps take bumble to the vet or send photo to christine at the gorgeous guineas for help. hoping bumble gets better soon. :smitten: :-* :-* :-*
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