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Another one?


New Born Pup
Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
Hemel hempstead
Hi everyone!

Biscuit / M / 4 years

You may or may not remember but in April i posted about my guinea pig that had a possible bladder stone. Biscuit was fine after it was removed but he never really stopped squeaking in pain when pooping.

We all thought it was just a habit, but today he was completely silent, and about a bottle cap full of JUST blood came out with what looked like a smaller version of the stone he got removed in April.

Vet has been called, appointment has been booked, vet says its HIGHLY UNLIKELY hes passed a bladder stone but id like some opinions?

The red part is squishy, but the white part is hard as rock.

Sensitive image so ive put a cute one first, thanks!


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First things first, well done for getting him booked to see the vet.
How has his weight been?

Honestly that is a huge bladder stone (if that is what it is) but at the last rescue event I went to one of the groups had bought a collection of stones that had been passed naturally by piggies, and honestly some of them were eye watering!
So I wouldn't rule it out, although it is huge for a boy.

The most important thing right now is that he is seen by a vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Hiya thank you for the replies, its about 1.5mm × 0.9mm big for size refrence, he i have the big one that was surgically removed from him in april and they really do look similar

Apart from the blood and mystery stone, everything is normal and fine, weight hasnt changed, no wheaking when pooping or peeing, eating his greens, pellets and hay as usual, drinking fine and begging for pea flakes as usual.

This is why I'm so confused on whats going on 😅
First things first, well done for getting him booked to see the vet.
How has his weight been?

Honestly that is a huge bladder stone (if that is what it is) but at the last rescue event I went to one of the groups had bought a collection of stones that had been passed naturally by piggies, and honestly some of them were eye watering!
So I wouldn't rule it out, although it is huge for a boy.

The most important thing right now is that he is seen by a vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Oooooh i can only imagine those poor piggies 🥺, weight has been fine and hes been staying away from high calcium greens since april
Oh poor boy. Let us know how you get on at the vet. I hope everything is ok

Just to pick up on something, most calcium comes into the diet via pellets and drinking water rather than veg. Are his pellets low calcium and limited to one tablespoon per day and is his drinking water filtered?
Oh poor boy. Let us know how you get on at the vet. I hope everything is ok

Just to pick up on something, most calcium comes into the diet via pellets and drinking water rather than veg. Are his pellets low calcium and limited to one tablespoon per day and is his drinking water filtered?
Yes i changed his pellets to ones vet reccomended and his water is double filtered, changed and bottle washed daily
I can't remember if I replied to your old threads but when I was discussing stone surgery for a boar one time the vet said that she'd seen boys get through a completely successful procedure, healed up, and then formed a new stone within weeks. It is something that happens to some boys apparently. This vet was trying to prepare me I think, for what might happen.

This isn't the first image like that I've seen on the forum but the I think the others I can remember were from sows. This one 6 year Old Pig with health issues is an older girl with a range of ongoing problems but what she produced was not so bloody. We were speculating that it could be bladder grit/sludge embedded in the bladder lining and the whole lot came away together. It was described as rubbery! My little sow once had one extracted with forceps and it looked like one of those ninja throwing stars - all points. Horrible!

It could have been something embedded in the gut wall that he pooped out I suppose but pigs absorb all the calcium they eat and it comes out through the pee so I can't imagine how anything stone-like would end up in the bowel. Definitely show it to the vet - at the very least you'll be wanting some painkiller for him. It'd be tempting to have a closer look at his penis but tbh I don't think he'd welcome the interference and if there was any sign of something passing it might be tender. Keep an eye on his weight before your vet appt. Look into glucosamine on here - just do a search for glucosamine and bladder support - because it might help that battered bladder in the future. Great if he's not squeaking any more when he toilets though!
I can't remember if I replied to your old threads but when I was discussing stone surgery for a boar one time the vet said that she'd seen boys get through a completely successful procedure, healed up, and then formed a new stone within weeks. It is something that happens to some boys apparently. This vet was trying to prepare me I think, for what might happen.

This isn't the first image like that I've seen on the forum but the I think the others I can remember were from sows. This one 6 year Old Pig with health issues is an older girl with a range of ongoing problems but what she produced was not so bloody. We were speculating that it could be bladder grit/sludge embedded in the bladder lining and the whole lot came away together. It was described as rubbery! My little sow once had one extracted with forceps and it looked like one of those ninja throwing stars - all points. Horrible!

It could have been something embedded in the gut wall that he pooped out I suppose but pigs absorb all the calcium they eat and it comes out through the pee so I can't imagine how anything stone-like would end up in the bowel. Definitely show it to the vet - at the very least you'll be wanting some painkiller for him. It'd be tempting to have a closer look at his penis but tbh I don't think he'd welcome the interference and if there was any sign of something passing it might be tender. Keep an eye on his weight before your vet appt. Look into glucosamine on here - just do a search for glucosamine and bladder support - because it might help that battered bladder in the future. Great if he's not squeaking any more when he toilets though!
The mystery stone thing came out with his pee i think, not rubbery though, its rock hard and the blood part is squidgey? It put me into full panic mode though as it didnt like pee AT ALL, he hasnt bled in a few hours now either, pee and poops all normal, still eating and drinking fine. Ill have a look into glucosamine thank you!
Hi - so glad I found this thread again because I wanted to let you know my old boar passed a massive bladder stone! When I looked at it I thought of your pic and how we were all debating what it could be. His story is linked below with some photos of the stone which we thought maybe had formed in the penis. I don't know - it was covered in a rubbery white gunk which made the surface smoother, underneath it was definitely a stone. But the vet saw the lump in his penis and just squeezed it out - it was very quick. I'm now watching him to make sure there are no after effects - he seems a lot more active at this point anyway.
Hope Biscuit is doing OK!
Stone me! George's secret...