Another Idea!

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

I've often wondered if I could fit a 5x2 c&c ontop of my indoor lavander lodge for Mr Puds and Eccles. I haven't done so as I would worry the grids would come loose but that is one option I have and I'm thinking cable ties would work fine. I do not trust connectors for upper levels. I wouldn't sleep for worrying!

Then I think well, I could get some screwfix grids (I only have the solid ones at the mo) and make a 6x2 for Sunshine and Twinkle and above make a 4x2 for Pudsey and Eccles.

Pudsey is getting big now and Eccles is catching him up, like the girls they need their own space and the Nero 3 is proving to be a bit of a tight squeeze, even though the boys only sleep in it of a night, I feel tight on them!

So for now could I do the c&c ontop of a hutch with my blue grids?


i think you could give it a try, you will know whether its secure enough when its finished O0
I suppose I could give it a whirl. When I suggested it Peter wasn't keen because of the fact it may come apart from the bottom, but if I use ties and get correx it will be fine.

But then I'm thinking if I get more c&c it will free up spaces for 5 pigs that need rescuing and with my other cage and lavander lodge takes the number to 10 and I can put them all in my new shed (making sure the damn hutches fit through the door as I can't take them apart now!)

So I've a plan, that's what I'll do until I can afford built in hutches! ;D
My second cage is on top of my other cages and sits on 9mm thick mdf and it is all secured with connectors, I have never had a problem :) As long the the "floor" of the c & c is sturdy, it will be safe :)
I think it sounds like a grand idea, I was thinking of doing this for one of my cages but hubby built a extra level on top instead.
Thanks Fiona and Dazie. Fi I was thinking of your set up when I posted, and thought well it can be done. MDF sounds just what I need. :)
The roof of my hutch slopes backwards so I cant really have a cage on top-just as well really ;D
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