Hi all, my piggie Delilah has been suffering from bloat over the past 8 months. I have no idea what could be causing this as her diet has not changed. Anyways, I have given her a dose of emeprid/metoclopramide but on inspection have noticed that the minute amount of cisapride the vet prescribed me in late June has gone like a white colour and looks to have began drying onto the bottle. Not sure if this is normal as vet did say that both medications should be fine for 6 months. I just wanted to ask if this will still be safe to administer and will she need both meds to recover from this flare up? Or will the emeprid/metoclopramide alone work its magic? I was given a little extra medication in late June for emergency purposes. Thanks.
Please contact your vet clinic to ask whether you need a replacement or not, and whether it is still safe to use. They will know better then us. If in any doubt, please don't use it.
Very sorry about the bloating. Please be aware that bloating can be both primary (i.e. dysbiosis or overgrowth of the wrong kind of bacteria in gut, especially the large fermentation segment where any food spends the longest time in) but it can also be secondary, i.e. caused by pain radiating into the gut or something pressing on the gut, like ovarian cysts, an internal growth of some sort, arthritis in the lower spine etc., heart failure or a fluid build-up in the body... I am sure that your vet will have checked for most of these.
Some of my piggies have had a noticeably thickened part of the lower gut (either caecum or ileum), which resulted in IBS like symptoms, like sudden short-lived bloating episodes, little cramps in the gut etc. The condition is usually more seen in rabbits.
The digestion in some older piggies can become more tender as it is no longer working quite optimally.
Gut meds for rodents/guinea pis are very limited since the most effective, steroids, is a big no for them; it's basically down to emeprid/metoclopramide, cisapride, ranitidine (the old zantac; sadly there is more worldwide demand than production so getting hold of any can be very difficult for vets) plus metacam/meloxicam brands as anti-inflammatory and that is about it, I am afraid. Panacur should only be prescribed for intestinal parasites (rare in indoors piggies) or e.cuniculi (which comes with different symptoms).