Another bonding question!


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, UK
Hello again!

I wrote a few weeks ago about the bonding of our neutered 1yr ol Piggo and bereaved 5 year old sow Bernie. I'm pleased to say they are now the cutest couple!

We had hoped initially that Piggo would be a companion for our 5yr old bereaved (since June 2021) boar Howie but the bonding failed. Piggo was not a fan!

But we didn't give up hope! A couple of weeks ago we had the chance to rehome a beautiful little guy named Bruno from RSPCA. He is a neutered 6 month old boar. He has since been living side by side with Howie and has had very relaxed contact through the grids. There has never been any rumbling or attempt at fighting. Just a sniff and laying down side by side with the grid in between.

Today we have a free day so we've set up the bonding area and popped them in together. We are about 6 mins in and they are cuddled up next to eachother in an open ended hidey. They've had a sniff, looked a bit surprised and then this! Bruno is falling asleep!

Is this looking good do you think? I know its super early days but there has been no rumbling, no ruffled fur, no teeth chattering.


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Cute! They do look lovely together!

Its advised to not have any hides in the bonding area - it should just be a pile of hay and some water. Having hides in the bonding area can create territories which can be an issue, they do appear to be ok in this picture but it’s something to keep a close eye on.

Are they anywhere near your sow?
Its best that a boar pair are kept in a separate room to a sow as sow pheromones can cause problems between a boar pair, particularly as Bruno is a teenager you would want to be cautious.
Yes, it looks positive so far but like you say, it's super early days. I hope the bonding continues to go well :)

Please make sure they are nowhere near your sow as the smell of her could cause problems between your boars. Ideally her and her husboar should be in another room
Hi and thank you! Ah ok...I will move the hides when they've removed themselves!

No...they are in another room away from the sows.

I don't know if this makes a difference but we found out from RSPCA after adopting Bruno that he was part of a mis-sexed pair and has already fathered 2 babies (they also had the babies there...3 weeks I didn't slip them in my handbag and bring them home I don't know. They were beautiful!)
Hi and thank you! Ah ok...I will move the hides when they've removed themselves!

No...they are in another room away from the sows.

I don't know if this makes a difference but we found out from RSPCA after adopting Bruno that he was part of a mis-sexed pair and has already fathered 2 babies (they also had the babies there...3 weeks I didn't slip them in my handbag and bring them home I don't know. They were beautiful!)
That's good they're in a different room. No, the fact that Bruno has fathered babies will not make a difference. Whether a bond will work comes down to character compatibility
Ok...hides removed. Hay sharing happening. Still no teeth chattering or rumbling. Bruno is VERY chatty ( RSPCA said he is very vocal!) Howie has given Bruno a couple of gentle warnings which Bruno seems to have heeded so far but am keeping a very close eye and have oven gloves at the ready! 🤞🤞🤞

Thanks all for always being such a help. I adore piggies and so want to get it right and make them as happy and healthy as they can be. And your site is invaluable. I've learned so much and keep learning.
Hello again!

I wrote a few weeks ago about the bonding of our neutered 1yr ol Piggo and bereaved 5 year old sow Bernie. I'm pleased to say they are now the cutest couple!

We had hoped initially that Piggo would be a companion for our 5yr old bereaved (since June 2021) boar Howie but the bonding failed. Piggo was not a fan!

But we didn't give up hope! A couple of weeks ago we had the chance to rehome a beautiful little guy named Bruno from RSPCA. He is a neutered 6 month old boar. He has since been living side by side with Howie and has had very relaxed contact through the grids. There has never been any rumbling or attempt at fighting. Just a sniff and laying down side by side with the grid in between.

Today we have a free day so we've set up the bonding area and popped them in together. We are about 6 mins in and they are cuddled up next to eachother in an open ended hidey. They've had a sniff, looked a bit surprised and then this! Bruno is falling asleep!

Is this looking good do you think? I know its super early days but there has been no rumbling, no ruffled fur, no teeth chattering.

AWWW - feel blessed! The two boys really want to be with each other. :tu:

There may be a little dominance in the coming days but it will be very much on the mild side; just the minimum that is needed to establish a group. Both boys will be very careful to not go up to the wire or cross it. You can forget about the oven gloves. Just let them get on with the bonding process. Acceptance has happened but they still need establish the leadership and confirm the hierarchy.

It couldn't have gone any better. Once piggies have made up their mind in the good or in the bad, they are not likely to change it. This is the 'good' and really shows you what a difference it makes when piggies are allowed to have a say.
Ah that's so good to know! Since Howie lost his partner of 5 years, Leonard, last year I've so wanted him to have a friend.

They are currently chewing on separate ends of one long piece of hay! How they react when they get to the middle will be interesting! 🤣

Is it OK that Bruno literally hasn't stopped talking the whole time they've been in there?!
Ah that's so good to know! Since Howie lost his partner of 5 years, Leonard, last year I've so wanted him to have a friend.

They are currently chewing on separate ends of one long piece of hay! How they react when they get to the middle will be interesting! 🤣

Is it OK that Bruno literally hasn't stopped talking the whole time they've been in there?!

You get very vocal piggies; especially as youngsters. I love them...

We moved them to their clean and neutralised c&c yesterday late afternoon. We had a camera on them overnight (was like having a newborn baby again...every noise and I was checking up!) And they have been so lovely! We opened up the one they had been sharing side by side so it's now an 8x2 with 2 hay loft spaces.

Bruno thinks this is the best thing ever and has been zooming and popcorning constantly! He is loving the space! Howie likes to sit watch him and you can almost see his eyes rolling "youngsters today!" But I've seen a couple of excited little jumps from Howie here and there AND we even caught them snuggled up together this morning briefly! Which considering how much space they have to get away from eachother if they need to, seems to denote some fondness!

Here they are this morning enjoying some cucumber together. Still going to keep an eye on case Bruno's hormones kick in but they seem pretty chill at the moment!

Thank you all for your advice as ever you awesome people! 🙂


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Sounds perfect to me! Howie has clearly adopted Bruno and is happy in his own quiet way, and Bruno is just soo happy to have somebody who has taken him on and allows him to snuggle up. :wub:

If teenage hits really badly, a temporary 2 day separation with a reinstated divider usually does the trick to let the hormone spike die down without breaking a functional bond. Pairs with one adult party have a much smaller fall-out rate; especially when there is personal liking involved. This sort of arrangement follows their natural instincts as teacher bachelors are a feature of their social life.
It is the mis-matched pet shop babies in small cages when they go through the same ups and downs of the teenage hormones together, which is the real problem.