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Another Bladder Stone 😔

Cooper & Chris Farley

Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
Just when my new piggie was getting settled in and all was seemingly well…
I found little blood stains in Chris’s bedding today. I’m kicking myself and feeling so much guilt because I haven’t given him his potassium citrate for a long while now..
As soon as I saw the blood stains this afternoon I contacted my vet and she was able to squeeze me in today for x-rays. (I gave him 0.3mL of meloxicam when I first saw the blood, to help with pain) The vet prescribed him antibiotics and instructed me to get him back on the potassium citrate, which he will need to be on for the remainder of his life.

My strong boy passed the last bladder stone last time, which was nothing short of a miracle, but my fear is that he won’t be able to this time..
I will attach the photos of his x-rays below.

Vet did not recommend surgery, stated it was too risky.. and I had a really difficult time trying to find anyone that would operate on him in the past.

Per vet, the bladder stones haven’t gotten to the urethra yet.. I’m praying that something can be done if surgery isn’t an option..

Can he survive with these stones? Even if they don’t pass? Can I do anything to be rid of them/shrink them with the exception of surgery?
Can someone with boars & experience with this help?
Thank you so much!


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I’m sorry to hear he has another stone.

Unfortunately there is nothing to shrink or get rid of them. Removal via surgery is usually the only option. A very very tiny one may be able to pass with a boar but it’s a risk.
Stones left inside will continue to bash and damage the bladder.

Has the vet given more pain relief?
I’m sorry to hear he has another stone.

Unfortunately there is nothing to shrink or get rid of them. Removal via surgery is usually the only option. A very very tiny one may be able to pass with a boar but it’s a risk.
Stones left inside will continue to bash and damage the bladder.

Has the vet given more pain relief?
This was my fear.. I will try to call around and see if there is any vet hospital that is comfortable operating on him. I just don’t want him to suffer.
He passed a very substantial stone some time ago, so obviously, I’m hoping he can do it again..

I have meloxicam from a previous visit. The vet told me to use my best judgement as to when to give to him. Should I just continue to give him the pain meds once daily?


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Oh poor little man! I hope you can find a competent vet who can operate to remove the stone 🤞