Angry Boar not liking me!

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Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
North London
Hi all
I wonder if anyone can help me! I have had my guineas for well over a year now. One of them is so friendly and acts like my pet dog! However the other one of my boys simply hates me! When ever i hold him he will sit and breathe heavily and if i get to close biting and teeth chattering follow. The biting never draws blood but does act as a warning. I have persevered with him for over a year but he just doesnt seem to want to know me! However whenever my boyfriend picks him up and cuddles him we get happy churping! Do they remember nasty things that happen to them? Not that i have ever done anything wicked to him, apart from bath him once when i went from sawdust to fleece!
Any help would be so much appreciated as I'm at a loss as to what to do!
Thank you!
One of my piggies prefers my bf even though i do all the feeding, maybe you could handle him in a cozy so he does not feel so vulnerable. Have you tried feeding him on your lap?
Have you tried snuggling him under your pullover?

Otherwise, Clairelove's tricks are what I'd recommend as well.

Some piggies have ties with a special person, and it can be very frustrating for the other one!
Cuddles is like this too, she will not sit on me at all just wriggles to get away. However she will sit on Paul or the kids laps and be stroked by them for ages!

I have just accepted that they are her favourites! Fudge will sit on anyone!
Possibly he was mistreated before you got him - by a female.
Possibly he was mistreated before you got him - by a female.

Oh gosh i had never thought of that! The pet shop i got them from was a dodgy one and i only went in to have a look and couldnt leave them there so perhaps!

Thank you everyone, i have tried all of the above! I dont have him on my knee unless treats are nearby. i often have a towel or blanket aound him to so he feels safe!

I guess i will just have to accept he doesnt want to me my friend!
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