Anger Issues

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2011
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Hello everyone,

I have had my boar, Zebedee, for about 3 months now. He is around 12 months old.

I had three lovely bonded boars, Charlie (age 3, Oscar age 5 and Elliot who was 5 too), but Elliot sadly died in February. His pals were grieving badly for him, as were us humans, so I thought a younger boar might bring them some happiness, but Zebedee has displayed severe aggression from day one. In fact, we have since found out that he has been taken home, then rejected by two other families because of his lacking social skills :( Poor boy, he's found his forever home here now!

He's an absolute !

I very carefully introduced them on neutral territory, and after successfully bonding a trio in my piggy rearing life, I thought he'd be fine, but he rumblestrutted like mad, circled the other piggies, clattered his teeth and eventually went in to attack both boys. This was on their first meeting after being in homes side by side for a few weeks first. Now, having reared a few piggy boys, I've heard a fair bit of teeth clattering and dealt with hormonal strops, but he's something else altogether, and seeing as he went to attack both boys, he's been living on his own :( I really can't have him hurting or stressing out Oscar with his behaviour as Oscar is an old man now, and quite frankly, past any messing around. His main aim in life is to sleep and eat, on repeat! I stepped in before he actually attacked the others and bore the brunt of Zebedee's teeth hurt! Lots!

It's so sad as there's a huge home with two very lovely, laid-back piggies waiting for him. I honestly don't think Charlie and Oscar have exchanged a wrong word in their time together. I wish he'd understand that if only he'd stop his messing around, he'd have a fabulous life.

When Oscar and Charlie have been out on the floor, I have put a plate of veggies down, and as they've tucked in eagerly, I have placed Zebedee at the plate with them, but despite loving his veggies, all he is interested in is clattering his teeth, rumblestrutting and then trying to attack the others while they're enjoying their meal.

Apart from his anger management issues, he's a lovely, sweet little boy who loves human attention and his very loving to us. He is happy, enjoys cuddles, he popcorns, he wheeks, and is a joy to have, but please tell me, will he grow out of this, or is he doomed for a solo life?
It sounds like he just isn't going to bond with your current pair, and I actually think this is very common.
Apparently boar trios are the least stable of all piggie groups and have an extremely high failure rate.

I would suggest contacting a local rescue and trying to get him some dates with potential friends lined up.
If you have the space for 2 pairs then this could work out for him with another single boar of a neutered lady pig (although I think these are quite rare).
Good luck with Zebedee
mmm - how much flexibility do we have on this ? From what you are saying , it sounds like Oscar & Charlie are a well matched pair.

I can only see 2 workable options ...

keep Zebedee in a separate cage next to the other 2 so he can get some companionship from them
Approach a rescue that offers boar dating to get a companion for Zebedee
Thanks for your replies :)

Because he as failed bonding with other pigs before I really worry that he may not bond with any other piggies' at all, but then boar dating would allow him to find the perfect pal wouldn't it?

Charlie and Oscar do get on very well indeed.
Can I just say that he is beside the cage of the other two and does get into conversations with them (probably sometimes arguments!) and he marches up to their cage when he's having floortime, so he's not completely on his own. He has their company, just not their cuddles!
Can I just say that he is beside the cage of the other two and does get into conversations with them (probably sometimes arguments!) and he marches up to their cage when he's having floortime, so he's not completely on his own. He has their company, just not their cuddles!
Because he as failed bonding with other pigs before I really worry that he may not bond with any other piggies' at all, but then boar dating would allow him to find the perfect pal wouldn't it?

Oh yes - very few piggies are loners so, it''s a case of finding a good match for him. Can you travel to Sheffield ? From experience, I can highly recommend the bonding service offered by @pig in the city .

There are some other good rescues around - but I think Sheffield in the one nearest to you .
Can I just say that he is beside the cage of the other two and does get into conversations with them (probably sometimes arguments!) and he marches up to their cage when he's having floortime, so he's not completely on his own. He has their company, just not their cuddles!

There are some piggies of either gender that just don;t get on well with other piggies; they are not all that common, but they can happen.

The options you have been told are the two realistic options for Zebedee. Some boars are happier with their own territory, as long as they have interaction through the bars and can do all their boarly stuff without causing mayhem. Sometimes, it can take a couple of years until they have calmed down enough to be happy with another piggy in their space. All you can do is try in a way that you do not end up with more boars that don't get on and not be too disheartened if it doesn't work out. It sounds like Zebedee has all the interaction and enrichment he needs already in his life. Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator
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