And then there was one...


New Born Pup
Oct 28, 2017
Reaction score
Dorset, England
Hi, I'm looking for some advice please. My five year old guinea pig has just lost her two companions in quick succession, one a week ago (put to sleep due to a prolapse) and the other on Friday (died in her sleep, I suspect from grief). The two that died were bonded, but the third had never bonded (I had originally had four, but she didn't bond with that one either, who died last year). So now Martha is alone and although she's always kept to herself I'm very worried about her wellbeing. To make matters worse she has a tumour on her back, so I don't know how long she has. I have thought about Fostering, but none of the recommended centres listed are near me, I live in Dorchester, Dorset. Also, where she has never bonded within another gp, I don't know how this would work out. Any advice gratefully received as I'm very worried about her.
I am so sorry for your losses. I hope you can find a solution for Martha soon. Kingston Maurward used to sometimes have older piggies looking for new homes. @GPTV may know of somewhere your way, also @Betsy.

I lived in Dorchester on and off for most of my life. I am a little bit home sick!
🌈 Sorry to hear of your losses, be gentle with yourself as you grieve :hug:

There's the Angel Rabbit rescue near Buckland Newton I think..

They do get guinea pigs occasionally as well as rabbits, I'm pretty sure they they used to bond guinea pigs pre covid, so they might be able to help?
Have you tried contacting the local vets they may know of someone who is able to help you?

The vets near one of the 'Piddles' used to be a recommended vet on here, I'll see if I can find it....
Piddle Valley vets
David Holah
The Surgery
01305 848820

Also @teddymouse might know of someone?
St Francis rescue maybe?

I took in a 9ish month old gpig who had always lived on her own, the owner was going to uni & couldn't keep her any more. Bonding was a bit of a long process as she was not sure how to interact with the other two, but they get along OK now :wub:
Martha might be a bit stuck in her ways for a bit, but there's usually a friend there somewhere our piggies can bond with ♥