And now Ben is humping Dave...

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MintyAndGarry (TEAS)

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Director at TEAS (West Hunsbury), Northampton, UK
Jesus. I've never seen him like this! Have just done them out, used nothing different but for some reason, Ben has taken it upon himself to chase Dave around the cage and mount him. They've been together 6 months and I've never seen them like this before. A bit of rumbling, yes, a half hearted attempt by Ben but nothing to this degree. It's been going on for about half an hour now, non stop...

Just as I'm writing this, Ben has decided to have a breather...boys huh?!?! Was going to try and get them on film, but they've stopped! Both are OK, Dave tries to retaliate a bit, but with nearly 3lb of pig chasing you, I don't think he really can!

No blood lost anyway (apart from where I trimmed Ben's nail a bit too close...:red)
My two do hell of a lot of humping. It's gotten to the stage where The Colonel braces himself against their cardboard tube, wiggles his butt and squeaks and then waits for Big Red to mount him and start humping.

We've given up trying to stop them - there's never been any bloodshed and judging by The Colonels actions he quite enjoys it!
We've had a week of rumbling and incessant mounting here too between Rambo and Flash, luckily no sticky deposits have been left yet :))
Poor Dave, and poor you! If its any consolation, Alfie seems to be going through a randy stage at the moment, although George is being very patient with him, given the circumstances:)). I'm sure he will get bored eventually, perhaps distraction is the key?

I hope things sort themselves in the end, I'm sure it will all be fine x:)
Poor Dave looks terrified!
I would also recommend distraction, maybe put a tube in or a treat ball (When the push the ball over the treats come out).
I do not think Dave will put up with all that chasing for much longer, if he does he must have the patiance of a saint!

Maybe a bath/shampoo will settle them down.
Well, all eventually settled down after about an hour. Dave, sadly has a souvenir of the experience, which I need to sort in the morning. (Have put a post in General Chat). Tried distracting Ben with food which is normally a dead cert, but nothing would put him off! (Their cage looks bare because I'd removed everything that Ben was chasing Dave around).

Boars eh?!rolleyes
Yes, try a shampoo and blow dry for each of them. Clean out the cage to try to get rid of any smells.

However, always keep them together at this stage because to separate them, even for a short period, might end up without them seeming to know each other.

I am sure it is a stage that Ben will get over, so to speak ;)
Obviously Dave hasn't the same tendencies as Ben at the moment. As long as it doesn't progress into aggression or fighting if Dave gets fed up with it, hopefully things should settle down.

Keep us posted.
PS. After watching the video link, watch out for bites on the back of Dave's neck.

This happened to Stuart and Shaun who were litter brothers and always lived together (now separated, neutered and living with two sows each.)
Then without me knowing, because they were long-haired, Shaun was biting Stuart's back and caused him injury which turned into nasty abscesses.

Don't mean to worry you, as I am sure all with be ok with Dave and Ben, just wanted to warn you.

I am sure will be blow over with them both when Ben gets tired of playing that game!
I'm just hoping it was a one this degree anyway! I've never seen Ben like that - the odd bit of rumbling and chasing and attempted mounting, but today he just wouldn't leave Dave alone! He's a year old next month, Dave is 8 months old. Thought Ben was coming out of the other side of wrong can you be?!rolleyes
Well, they're best of friends this morning, both chomping on cucumber. Am hoping that Ben's show of 'affection' was a one off. Perhaps there was something in the air?! Am up at this stupid hour on a Sunday because I can't sleep for worrying about them both...and I'm not looking forward to bathing them either!:))
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