Amourous young boars - help!

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Mar 26, 2008
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This is a question on behalf of my friend, who has 2 young boars together (brothers) and are just about a year old. they seem to be experiencing their puberty with a vengeance, and taking every opportunity to be 'amourous' with each other! ;D ;D

she has been told that neutering won't make any difference, but is slightly despairing at their rather enthusiastic antics!

Any advice gratefully received. Will this be a short lived phase? Is there anything she can do to settle them down at all?
Well, lets just say that Max would rather Murray was a little girl, and poor Murray is getting in a bit of a mess :embarassed:
They are probably establishing ranks and being dominant with one another, it will pass but tell her to watch out for any fighting. :)
Katiesb said:
Well, lets just say that Max would rather Murray was a little girl, and poor Murray is getting in a bit of a mess :embarassed:
well if its like that then its like i said in my first post - dominating - This can be very stressful for the piggy that is getting dominated but it has to happen to determine whos boss and that, itll soon be back to normal and youll see no difference unless the less dominant one wants to be the boss one day then itll start over again ::) thats boars for you :D
its not abnormal so dont worry lol

i have 2 boys munchie and bob who are 19 months old and 16 months old, who have lived with each other forever, and munchie still now and again decides he quite fancies bob ::)
Two of my boys who always seem to show more feelings for each other than either of my other two pairs have stepped up their shananigans recently so maybe its spring in the air. Jasper will not leave Jack alone and the poor boy is almost constantly whingin though occaisionally he gets in a good kick to the face but it doesn't seem to stop Jasper for long. Boys! ::)
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